- U.S. used nerve gas during Vietnam War - report
was (but no longer) at http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2554523956-002
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Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998
Subject: SICK NEWS FROM THE PAST!Most disturbing news here. When those of us opposing and organizing against the war at the time made similar charges that chemical weapons were being used the media treated us all like we had just dropped acid or something. The standard line was two fold: 1) that this country would never do anything like use nerve gas; and 2) That President Nixon was working aggressively to stop the proliferation and first use of weapons of mass destruction.
Well now the cat is out of the bag. We critics hadn't been practicing better living through chemistry after all. But our government had been engaged in ending living through outlawed chemistry! And once again we have the proof that no one with the ability to read and remember should ever be caught saying "our country would never do something like that". Not only would we, but we have, and there is more where this newly released story came from.
It also is relevant to the current nuclear crisis and debate going on. Here we have a classic example of saying one thing on the arms control and weapons of mass destruction front, and in our actions doing exactly what we condemn. It is this double standard of Thou Shalt Not Dare, but we can anytime we want to, that has gotten us into the current mess in So. Asia, and is why third world nations will engage in covert nuclear and chemical weapons programs as long as we refuse to clean up our own house first before preaching and dictating to everyone else.
J Truman