From Thu Jul 13 08:56:18 1995 From: (Michele Lord) To: Subject: French Nuclear Biznis From: Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 18:21:25 +1000 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: MURUROA Cc: Status: R Michele, Thanks for your concern. I am a long way away from Mururoa. My awareness has been drawn to what may be shaping up in Europe (as well as to the atoll ecoysystem at Mururoa). Maybe one thing you oculd do to help is to spread awareness of the possible growing danger in Europe. Tomorrow (14 July) is Bastille Day - an approrpiate day to suport those French speaking people who oppose nuclear weapons. _____________________________ A FRENCH - GERMAN NUCLEAR ALLIANCE? Imagine a fascist Europe armed with nuclear weapons. Could secret European trade deals be behind the decision of the right wing French Government to renew nuclear experiments at Mururoa? Did Chirac and his party obtain support from reunified Germany in return for doing the dirty work in developing weapons of mass destruction? When our leaders refuse to take real action against French authorities are we watching a rerun of the 1930s? Are secret trade deals preventing our (New Zealand/Aotearoa) Prime Minister from sending a frigate to Mururoa when most of the country is in favour? What kind of message is sent by sending a mere supply ship? Can we afford to sit back and watch? Should NZ Prime Minister Bolger (and other leaders) take real action or resign? Is people power the only answer?