Chaco Canyon, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
The following photogs of Chaco
Canyon were imaged
during a visit from Monday thru Thursday,
October 30 to November 1, 1990.
Chetro Ketl, facing
north of due west into the main structure
first stop visited, Tuesday morning, October 30th
Pueblo Bonito, standing
at the center of the south edge plaza, facing northeast
mid-late morning after Chetro Ketl, again
Wednesday morning, and later that afternoon
Pueblo del
Arroyo facing east into a large section of rooms
mid-day Tuesday after Pueblo Bonito, into the afternoon
Casa Chiquita, near the
north road canyon entrance, facing south-east-south
Tuesday afternoon after Pueblo del Arroyo
Kin Kletso, northwest
corner of the site, facing E-S-E
late Tuesday afternoon, as earth rolled
the sun lower into the west
Casa Rinconada,
looking into the Great Kiva, facing north across the Canyon
Wednesday afternoon after the morning visit to Pueblo Bonito
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