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Open Forum On Biotechnology In Agriculture

Please share this with your local groups (especially universities) or individuals who may be interested. Thanx. Scott

Introducing a new listserve on biotechnology in agriculture and foods. (Incepted 4/15/99)

A group of Cornell students has formed around the issue of genetically modified organisms (GMO), particularly pertaining to agricultural commodities and foods. The list welcomes all views but may mostly be engaged in informing ourselves, the greater community and Cornellians on the potential concerns of GMOs in agriculture. Postings are preferred which deal with biotechnology in agriculture. Otherwise, the range and complexity of information could be overwhelming.

This list is created by a new group of active Cornell students called: People for Responsible Biotechnology in Agriculture. The group is not limited only to students. Cornell faculty and staff, researchers, farmers, and community members are invited to participate in this open forum.

To get on this list send an email to:

In message text write:

No commas or periods and all on the same line. The name seems important to the server, not just your email address. (To unsubscribe do the same but put UNSUB rather than SUB.)


To receive the digest form (only one email a day with all the postings listed in an index) send an email (ONLY after subscribing from above) to " " In the text write:

Items can also be posted to (biotech and L are not case sensitive) without being subscribed to it.

For more info contact Scott Fuller (

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