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- Richard Grossman 1943-2011:
A Long Fight Against Minority-Rule Governance,
by Russell Mokhiber, Corporate Crime Reporter,
25 November 2011
- An Act To Criminalize Chartered, Incorporated Business Entities - a work in progress,
by Richard Grossman, October 2011
- Corporate Crime Reporter interview with Richard Grossman, 17 October 2011
- Grossman Says
Citizens United, Personhood Fetish,
Greed and Corruption Are Diversions
25 Corporate Crime Reporter 40, 17 October 2011
- Richard Grossman on Usurpation and the Corporation as Crime,
25 Corporate Crime Reporter 39, 6 October 2011
- Law to Criminalize Fracking, Aug 2011 DRAFT
conceived by
Sovereign People Action Network (SPAN) of Ulster and Green Counties
- Uncolonizing Our Minds - On the Supreme Court,
by Richard L. Grossman, Counterpunch, 4/16/10
- Model Amici Curiae Brief to Eliminate Corporate Rights,
by Richard L. Grossman, Thomas Alan Linzey, & Daniel E. Brannen, 9/23/03
- What To Do In Our Crazy Life?
Attend Democracy School
ratitor's corner, 12 December 2004
- Community Challenges Corporate Claims to Constitutional "Rights",
by Virginia Rasmussen & Richard Grossman, Autumn 2004
- Confronting the Corporate Constitution in Pennsylvania, by Richard Grossman, June 2004
- Shifting into a Different Gear:
Empowering Communities, Protecting the Environment, and Building Democracy
by Asserting Local Control Over Factory Farm and Sludge Corporations in
by Thomas Linzey & Richard Grossman, 15 February 2004
- Sins of the Fathers: How Corporations Use the
and Environmental Law to Plunder Communities and Nature,
speech by Thomas Alan Linzey at
the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, 4 March 2004
- Consent of the Governed, The reign of corporations and the fight for democracy,
by Jeffrey Kaplan, November 2003
- We're All In Prison, And Most Of Us Don't Know The Door Is Unlocked,
ratitor's corner, 2003 September Equinox
- Timeline of Personhood Rights and Powers, by Jan Edwards et al
- from the Program on Corporations Law and Democracy:
- American Tragedy: The Codification & Institutionalization of Violence, by Richard Grossman, 1/8/04
- The Song And Dance Of The 1990 Clean Air `Act', by Richard Grossman, Winter 1991
- The Saturation of the South, by Richard Grossman, Summer 1988
- Richard Grossman Letter to Morris Dickstein on Upton Sinclair & Beef Corps, 1/2/04
- Richard Grossman on "Antigloblism's Jewish Problem" by Mark Strauss, 12/23/03
- The Strategy for Electricity is Democracy, by Richard Grossman, 1/30/01
- DEFIANCE!, An Open Letter by Richard Grossman, April 1991
- When Corporations Wield the Constitution, by Richard Grossman and Ward Morehouse, November 2002
- Richard Grossman on the USA Patriot Act and the Rule of Law, 12/11/01
- Who Were the Populists? - Richard Grossman on Bill Moyers 6/11/03 Speech, 6/24/03
- The Rule Of Law versus Democracy, by Doug Hammerstrom, Winter 2002
- Uprooting "Growth" as Metaphor: 20th Century Reflections for the 21st, by Richard Grossman, 1999
- Revolutionizing Corporate Law, by Richard L. Grossman, 2001
- WE THE PEOPLE - Building a Truly Democratic Society, by Ward Morehouse, 1997
- How Long Shall We Grovel?, A Memo for the Record, by Richard Grossman, 4/4/01
- Richard Grossman Letter to Ralph Nader, 9/10/02
- Richard Grossman Letter to Sarah Ruth van Gelder, 11/25/02
- Richard Grossman Letter to Joan Mulhern - Earthjustice, 4/22/02
- Richard Grossman Letter to Akhil Reed Amar on Amar's book,
The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction, 12/30/98
- Richard Grossman Letter to The Nation on "Liberalizing The Law" by Alexander Wohl, 6/11/03
- Richard Grossman Letter To An Environmental Filmmaker, 8/6/04
- Richard Grossman Letter To Nancy Jack Todd, 9/18/04
- War, Inc. by Mike Ferner, April 2002
- Democracy and Renewable Energy: Why We're So Short on Both, by Mike Ferner, 1/19/02
- Statements on Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant and Democracy, by Mike Ferner, Apr/Jul 2002
- The Spirit of Daniel Shays Lives on in the Pioneer Valley, Ward Morehouse & Carolyn Toll Oppenheim, 4/1/03
- Ward Morehouse on "The Founders and the Fedayeen", 7/19/03
- Let the Sun Shine In! by Mary Zepernick, 7/18/03
- The Birth Of The White Corporation, by Jeffrey Kaplan, Spring 2003
- The WTO, The US Constitution, and Self-Government, by Richard Grossman, Fall 1999
- Anti-Federalists Speak: Property vs. Democracy in 1787, by Richard Grossman, Fall 1999
- Rumors of USA Democracy Discovered to be Counterfeit,
by Greg Coleridge, Richard Grossman, and Mary Zepernick, Fall 2000
- Gender and Global Corporatization,
by Molly Morgan, Virginia Rasmussen & Mary Zepernick, Spring 2000
- Sheep In Wolf's Clothing, by Jane Anne Morris, Fall 1998
- You've Heard of Santa Clara, Now Meet Dartmouth, by Peter Kellman, Spring 2000
- The Struggle for Democracy: Activists Take the Offense, by Virginia Rasmussen, Summer 2002
- Property Picks A President, by Mike Ferner, Spring 2001
- Corporate Crime Reporter interview with Richard Grossman, 11/97
- A Quick Look at What Happened in New Mexico, by Richard Grossman, 1997
- Justice For Sale: Shortchanging the Public Interest for Private Gain, by Richard L. Grossman, 1993
- Minorities, the Poor & Ending Corporate Rule, by Richard L. Grossman and Ward Morehouse, Fall 1995
- Asserting Democratic Control Over Corporations: A Call To Lawyers,
by Richard Grossman and Ward Morehouse, Fall 1995
- TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS - Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation,
by Richard L. Grossman and Frank T. Adams, 1993
- EIJ's review of Taking Care of Business, Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation, Spring 1993
- PRINTED compared with SENT version of Richard Grossman's letter to The Progressive's Editor, 5/95
- Playing By Whose Rules?
A Challenge to Environmental, Civil Rights and Other Activists, by Richard Grossman, 1995
- Bringing our government Back Down To Earth, by Carolyn Chute, 8/95
- 9 Seminars on "Corporations, Lawyers, Democracy, Justice & The Law"
1996 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene Oregon, March 7-10
- Int'l Dairy Foods Ass. ET AL V. Attn General of VT, on rBST labelling, by Richard Grossman, 8/15/96
- The Struggle for Democratic Control of Corporations: Taking the Offensive
- Ending Corporate Governance, "democracy will continue to be a delusion as long as we continue
allowing corporations to rule", Richard Grossman, 10/94
- Boss Hog: The Reign of Factory Farm Corporations,
by Thomas Alan Linzey and Bill Belitskus, January 2004
- Introduction to THE POPULIST MOMENT,
A Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America, by Lawrence Goodwyn, 1978
- Democratic Money: A Populist Perspective, with Lawrence Goodwyn and William Greider, 12/9/89
- Thomas Alan Linzey on Model Ordinance on Corporate Personhood, 4/18/03
- Not in Our Local Democracies: Defending Constitutional Rights
by Nullifying Federal Actions, by Thomas Alan Linzey, 4/18/03
- Maxxam aims to unseat Humboldt D.A. for charging it with fraud -- Help Urgently Needed, 2/15/04
- Help Humbolt Cty D.A. Paul Gallegos show all people are equal before the law, May 2003
- Lisa Danetz & Thomas Alan Linzey on the Supremes June 2003 Kasky Ruling, 6/26/03
- Resources Available as Nike v. Kasky heads to U.S. Supreme Court, by, 1/12/03
- First Local Government in the United States Refuses to Recognize Corporate Claims
to Civil Rights: Bans Corporate Involvement in Governing, 12/02
- Americans Revolt in Pennsylvania - New Battle Lines Are Drawn by Thom Hartmann, 12/19/02
- Seeing The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism -- review of the book, 6/99
- Democracy for Sale: press release and report, 9 Oct 2000
- Forward to "Citizens Over Corporations, A Brief History of Democracy in Ohio
and Challenges to Organizing in the Future," by the Ohio Committee on Corporations
- Becoming a Self-Governing People, by Betsy Barnum, 4/4/03
- Owning the law: Corporations Attempting Global Police Powers, by John Wilmerding, 8/28/02
- Environmental Research & Corporate Watchdogging, 9/02
- Why we must stay silent no longer by Noreena Hertz, 4/8/01
- Taking Control of Our Lives:
Freedom, Sovereignty, and Other Endangered Species",
speech by Noam Chomsky, 2/26/00
- original California Constiution: ARTICLE
XII. CORPORATIONS, passed in 1879
- U.S. Supreme Court - SANTA CLARA COUNTY v. SOUTHERN PAC. R. CO., 118 U.S. 394 (1886)
- Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie" by Thom Hartmann, 1/1/03
- The Railroad Barons Are Back - And This Time They'll Finish the Job by Thom Hartmann, 12/11/02
- Book: UNEQUAL PROTECTION: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights, by Thom Hartmann (October 2002)
- Transnational Corporations and the International
Economic Order: Reflections on the Bishops' Pastoral Letter, 1985
- Notes concerning `legal' versus
`natural' person issues of corporate gigantism, 1992
- Nations V. Corporations, a 1991 ranking of the
top 100 economic "world powers"
- What Lincoln Forsaw: Corporations
"Enthroned" and Re-Writing the Laws Defining Their Existence
- Buckminster Fuller's articulation of LAWCAP, lawyer
capitalism from Critical Path, 1980
- Who's in charge here?, by Wanda Ballentine,
April, 1996
- Corporate colonization of our minds,
by Wanda Ballentine, April, 1996
- What about the corporate "good guys?",
by Wanda Ballentine, April, 1996
- Take back the might, Why aren't lawyers
helping us to regain the rights and powers
that have been steadily
transferred to corporations?, by Wanda Ballentine, 5/95
- Revocation of Weyerhaueser Corporate Charter
Certificate of Dissolution
people presented to CEO George Weyerhaeuser, 4/95
- Ralph Estes: The Hidden Costs of Corporate
Corruption estimated at ~ $2,622 billion/yr (1994 dollars)
- How Transnationals Buy Governments (And Rule The
Secret deal by Enron defeats citizens of India,
DIGEST, 4/96
- Corporate Royalty by Karl Davies, People Against Corporate Takeover, Northampton, MA
- The Limits to Growth, by Donella
H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, William W. Behrens III,
Abstract established by Eduard Pestel, Club of Rome, 1972
- World Trade Organization:
- Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly:
- For much more on corporate globalization and the WTO, See
- Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) :
- The MAI: An International Human Rights Crisis by Ward Morehouse, 12/2/97
- MAI reborn: IMF chg'd bylaws give unprecedented power over national capital controls,
by Friends of the Earth, 3/98
- "MAI: Win, Lose or Draw for the U.S.?",
Lori Wallach House Testimony, 3/5/98
- Alternatives To The MAI: First Thoughts From Ward Morehouse & Colin Hines, 1/7/98
- The MAI: The Corporate Plan to Replace Democratic Government, by John McMurtry, 1/24/98
- MAI will impose the same rules on the U.S. that the IMF is now imposing on Asia
- MAI and the World Bank, by Christopher
Chamberlain, 1/12/98
- Remarks on The Environmental Implications Of The MAI by Michael McCloskey, 1/17/98
Research Foundation (at
is the publisher of RACHEL's Environment & Health News
(formerly RACHEL's Environment & Health Weekly and
Rachel's Hazardous Waste News).
- Rachel's Environment & Health News
(#572, 11/13/97, to present):
- Rachel's Environment & Health
Weekly (#402, 4/11/94 to #571, 11/6/97):
- #407: A Letter To Friends, BIG environmental
orgs don't target our real adversary, 9/94
- #433: The Corruption Of Our Democracy, 3/95
- The Big Problems:
- #479: National Dioxin Campaign, tackling
the misuse of corporate power, 2/96
- Fixing Corporations
- #488: Part I: Legacy of the Founding Parents
"harsh criticism of corporations has a long,
respectable, and mainstream political lineage." Examples of Provsions once State Law
- #489: Part II: Corporations For The Seventh Generation -- exploration of ways to restructure today's corporation: remove obstacles to citizen control & reinstate provisions once governing corporations, and add others that are particularly suited to our times
- #507: A Political Opportunity, discusses public opinions toward corporations
- #546: Crimes Of Shell repressing the Ogoni People in Nigeria
- #553: Let's Stop Wasting Our Time, regulating corpses is a dead end.
- #567: The Nature Of World War III, updating challenges to people & plutocracy
- #568: The Nature Of World War III, Part 2, globalization, corp vs human rights, MAI
- #569: Trends In Corporate Accountability -- WW III, Pt. 3, good summary of 5 distinct trends
- #570: Some Guiding Principles, WW III, Pt. 4
- #581: Follow the Money, corpse funding of science & medicine increasingly corrupts the "facts"
- #582: One Fundamental Problem, good intro to the "nature of this legal entity, the corporation"
- Rachel's Hazardous Waste News
(#1, 12/1/86 to #401, 8/4/94):
- Ralph Nader Transcripts:
- Challenging Autocratic Governance That Serves The Interests Of Global Corporations,
IFG World Bank/IMF Teach-In, Washington D.C., April 14, 2000
- Wasting Your Vote, Wasting Our Democracy, Santa Cruz, California, August 23, 2000
- Reclaiming Civic Power to Reverse the Corporate Erosion of Civil Rights,
Speech to the NAACP, Baltimore, Maryland, July 11, 2000
- Acceptance Speech Statement for Green Party 2000 Nomination for President,
Denver, Colorado, June 25, 2000
- Plutocracy and the Citizen Agenda for '92 and beyond, 1/15/92
- The Concord Principles--An Agenda For a New Initiatory Democracy, 2/1/92
- The Decline of Democracy & The Concord Principles, 5/9/92
- Corporations THRIVE on regulation and state/federal Regulatory Agencies:
- Sins of the Fathers: How Corporations Use the Constitution and Environmental Law
to Plunder Communities and Nature, speech by Thomas Alan Linzey, 4 March 2004
- Sheep In Wolf's Clothing, by Jane Anne Morris, Fall 1998
- RHEW #553: Let's Stop Wasting Our Time, regulating corpses is a dead end, July 1997.
- Playing By Whose Rules? A Challenge to Environmental, Civil Rights and Other Activists,
by Richard Grossman, 1995
- RHWN #309: New Strategy Focuses On Corporations, regulation: playing by their rules, Oct 1992
All For Shell—The Ogoni Struggle, A Project Underground Report, Mar 1997
News/Background on Ogoni, Shell and Nigeria, Delta Newsletter, Issue #2, Nov 96
Two Dictatorships: SHELL and the Nigerian Military Government;
The struggle of the Ogoni People and the murder of
9 political dissidents including Ken Saro-Wiwa.
2014 links:
- local copy from the Multinational Monitor by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman (unless otherwise noted):
- Bad Apples in a Rotten System - 10 Worst Corporations of 2002
- Corporations Behaving Badly - 10 Worst Corporations of 2001
- Enemies of the Future - 10 Worst Corporations of 2000
- The Corporate Century - 10 Worst Corporations of 1999
- Corporate Bullies - 10 Worst Corporations of 1998
- The Ten Worst Corporations of 1997
- The Ten Worst Corporations of 1996, by
Russell Mokhiber
- Shameless: 1995's 10 Worst Corporations, by
Russell Mokhiber and Andrew Wheat
- The Ten Worst Corporations of 1994, by
Russell Mokhiber
- The Ten Worst Companies of 1993, by Russell
- Corporate Rap Sheet, The 10 Worst Corporations
of 1992, by Russell Mokhiber, Julie Gozan and Holley Knaus
- Taking Care of Business, The Corporate Crunch in
Vermont, by Richard Grossman, 7/93
- Aiding and Abetting Corporate Flight: U.S. AID
in the Caribbean Basin, 1/93
- 2 Books by Roger Moody on Rio Tinto Zinc
Reviewed, 6/92
- plutocracy, n. 1. government by the wealthy 2. a
government or state in which the wealthy rule 3.a group of wealthy
people who control or influence a government 4.a controlling class
of rich men - plutocrat.
- plutocrat, n. 1. a member of a wealthy ruling
class; hence, 2. a person whose wealth gives him control or
great influence. 3. [Colloq.], any wealthy person.
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