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Recommendable Links/Articles
- Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy (POCLAD)
- The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund
- dedicated to restoring democratic authority over corporations, reviving
grassroots democracy, and revoking the power of money and corporations to
control government and civic society.
- The People-Centered Development Forum
- ®TMark -- inspired creativity, invest in sabotage
- Kirby Urner has a wealth of ideas inspired by R. Buckminster Fuller,
in his Synergetics on the Web
- Too Much -
A Commentary on Capping Excessive Income and Wealth
America's only quarterly newsletter dedicated to the proposition that
the United States would be far more democratic, prosperous, and caring
if we narrowed the vast gap that divides the very wealthy from everybody
Online Weekly Archive -
Subscribe to the free weekly Too Much e-mail newsletter
- Books:
- Buckminster Fuller's brilliant must read: The Grunch of Giants at the
Buckminster Fuller Institute
- from Apex Press:
- Wresting Governing Authority From The Corporate Class,
Driving people into the Constitution
by Richard L. Grossman, 2002
- You Call This A Democracy?
Who benefits, who pays, and who really decides?
by Paul Kivel, Summer 2004
- Defying Corporations, Defining Democracy
A book of history and strategy, Edited by Dean Ritz, 2001
- Rule Of Power Or Rule Of Law?
An assessment of U.S. policies and actions regarding security-related treaties
Nicole Deller, Arjun Makhijani and John Burroughs, Editors, 2003
- A New Democracy
- Alternatives to a bankrupt world order,
by Harry Shutt, 2001
- Deglobalization - Ideas for a new world economy, by Walden Bello, 2002
- Protect Or Plunder? -
Understanding intellectual property rights, by Vandana Shiva, 2001
- Rethinking Globalization - Critical issues and policy choices, by Martin Khor, 2001
- The Ambushed Grand Jury -
How the Justice Department
covered up government nuclear crimes and how we caught them red handed,
by Wes McKinley and Caron Balkany, Esq., 2004
- Independent and Progressive Books about Corporations
- complete book: Beyond Plutocracy - True Democracy for America by Roger Rothenberger (2001)
- Sustainability - A Choice to Consider
- Public Information Network
provides research and technical assistance to communities
working to hold corpses and gumints accountable and building socially
just and ecologically sustainable societies:
- Collected Papers of William
Sanjour -- 27 years inside EPA and an outspoken whistleblower
- National Jobs For All Coalition for full employment that can help create a good and just society
- Democracy Unlimited of Humbolt County, California
- The Study of Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism by Richard H. Robbins
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Abolish Corporate Personhood curriculum and Challenge Corporate Power, Assert the People's Rights projects
- Aurora Institutes works on corporate power issues and abolishing corporate personhood in Canada
- Redwood Coast Alliance
for Democracy passed resolution on Corporate Personhood in Point Arena, CA.
- Big Medicine website on corporate
personhood and other signs of our times
- - ballot initiative to abolish corporate personhood
- Corporate Personhood listserv
- SF group working to pass resolution through Board of Supervisors
- New Rules Project -
legislation projects including overturning corporate personhood
- Northwest Corporate Accountability Project
- Peoples Summit TOES USA (The Other Economic Summit)
- PROJECT underGROUND -- exposing corporate human rights & environmental abuses; supporting communities threatened by the mining & oil industries
- Focus on the Corporation, The Mokhiber-Weissman Column on Corporate Power
Archives of Postings to CORP-FOCUS:
- Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) :
- World Trade Organization (WTO):
- The Corporate Library includes:
- Government Accountability Project has whistleblowing, governmental wrongdoing and official misconduct info
- Adbusters Culture Jammers Headquarters
- Institute for Economic Democracy
- Rainforest Action Network -- exemplary in its use of the medium
- M c S P O T L I G H T, McDonald's, McLibel, Multinationals
- Corporate Watch, providing activists, journalists, and policy makers information and analysis on the
social, ecological and economic impacts of transnational corporations
- Environmental
Research Foundation is the publisher of RACHEL's
Environment & Health Weekly.
- Technocracy, started in 1933, is a technological approach to, and an analysis of, all social phenomena
- Economic Policy Institute seeks to
broaden the public debate about strategies to achieve a prosperous
and fair economy.
- Moving Ideas: An Electronic Policy Network
- Multinational Monitor's Back Issues on the WWW including:
- KNOW Your corpses:
- Fortune 500 "the most important, analytical,
one-stop corporate scorebook available anywhere".
- Global 500 list of the world's largest industrial and service companies combined
- Fortune mag entry point
articles webly:
- Sustainability and the global economy: beyond Bretton Woods, by David Korten
- Insider Sovereignty and Corporate Governance in the Japanese Company, by David Ellerman, 1/97
- The Boston Globe's 3-day series on "Corporate Welfare," 7/7-9/96:
"As Richard Grossman has aptly pointed out, we should not adopt
the term 'corporate welfare' because we are not against welfare
for the blind, the lame and the halt. We are against SUBSIDIES
ABUSE." --Peter Montague
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