Today, the Sun, appearing to travel along the ecliptic, reaches the
point where it crosses the equator
into the southern celestial hemisphere. Today day and night are
of equal length.
Today rat haus reality completes
its 20th revolution around the Sun and begins its 21st cycle.
Gratitude abounds having this ratical venue from which
to publish materials worthy of note and emphasis.
In this past circle of the Sun I am re-connecting with two
primary interests that have compelled my attention on the journey: the
critical necessity of mending the sacred hoop created by our collective
indigenous ancestors and the consequences of playing with the
mountains of poison fire generated from man-made radioactive matter.
I, David Ratcliffe, cannot help but feel grateful for John
Gofman’s decades of unpaid work in the service of protecting
health for you and for future generations. Regarding exposure
to ionizing radiation, Dr. Gofman reluctantly became a very
prominent whistleblower from 1969 to 2002, with the ethical
choices and dangers and emotional ups and downs which go
with whistleblower territory.
“Gofman is a prime example of the unusual man who straddles
two fields and as a result is able to see novel ways of applying
methods and ideas from one field to the other.”
— Daniel Steinberg,
“The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis.
An interpretive history of the cholesterol controversy,”
Journal of Lipid Research, 2004
Nuclear Witness
Ph.D. Candidate at UC Berkeley, Studying Under Glenn Seaborg
Working on Plutonium in the Manhattan Project
1943: Ph.D. in Nuclear/Physical Chemistry, Discoveries & Patents
1946: M.D. from UCSF, Discoveries in Lipoprotein Chemistry
Significant Contributions in the Field of Heart Disease Research
1954: Organizing a Medical Dept at Lawrence Livermore Nat’l Lab (LLNL)
1963: Founding the Bio-Medical Research Division at LLNL
One of Nine Associate Directors at LLNL
AEC Tries to Suppress & Whitewash Evidence of Radiation’s Harm
1969: IEEE Conference Presentation:
“Low Dose Radiation, Chromosomes, and Cancer”
“The Entire Nuclear Power Program Was Based on a Fraud”
The Gofman-Tamplin Reports
Ostracizing Gofman and Tamplin
The AEC: We Need to Destroy Gofman and Tamplin
Oct 1969 to Nov 1972: Evolution in Thinking on Radiation Exposure
1971: The Committee For Nuclear Responsibility (CNR) is formed
1971-1979: Poisoned Power: The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants
1981: Radiation and Human Health
1985: X-Rays: Health Effects of Common Exams
“Assessing Chernobyl’s Cancer Consequences:
Application of Four ‘Laws’ of Radiation Carcinogenisis”
Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure: An Independent Analysis
1992: Right Livelihood Award
“for his pioneering work in exposing the health effects of low-level
The Law of Concentrated Benefit over Diffuse Injury
Chernobyl Accident: Radiation Consequences For This And Future
Disaster Creep: “Safe Doses” Belief Began Post-1895
1995-1996: Preventing Breast-Cancer:
The story of a Major, Proven, Preventable Cause of This Disease
Radiation from Medical Procedures
in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease
A Unique Legacy: To Discover, Understand, Reveal, Educate and Inform
John W. Gofman Abridged Biographical Summary
“The author knows that it is just by chance, in the random
shuffling of mankind’s genes, that he did not receive the
damaged genes and chromosomes that produce very low intelligence,
severe emotional disorders, early death, or major physical disorders.
Luck, not merit. Those of us who were lucky may express our
gratitude not only by helping those who were unlucky, but also
by working to protect the integrity of the species’ genetic
materials from unnecessary injury.”
A striking feature of our culture includes the specific set of
illusions presented by commercial print and broadcast media
which promote a representation of reality through omission,
distortion, lack of contextual analysis, and disinforming
opinion stated as obvious, incontestable fact. It is always
our choice what lens we adopt to
view the world and our place in it. Here the focus is on two
facts which concern the further evolution of life on Earth and
which were studied and explained in extraordinary detail by the
late John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D.:
There is no risk-free dose of or exposure to radiation.
It is not humanly possible to achieve 100% containment of these
man-made radioactive particles that burn at the atomic level.
I became aware of Dr. John Gofman in the 1980s from reading the 1982
paperback edition of Leslie Freeman’s fascinating and frightening book,
Witnesses: Insiders Speak
In the
Note, Ms. Freeman (Ph.D. from
Columbia University and in 1981 a teacher at the New York Institute of
Technology) explained, “It is the
premise of this book that if the American people knew the truth
about radiation there would be no nuclear issue.”
Along with Nuclear Witnesses I also absorbed Rosalie
Bertell’s incisive and profound 1985 book,
Immediate Danger: Prognosis For a Radioactive
This extended my concern and understanding of the complexities
and dangers I initially read about in Nuclear Witnesses.
Reading Leslie Freeman’s interview of Dr. Gofman, I was
especially struck by, and have never forgotten, his observation
and warning about how nuclear power creates a mountain of
radioactivity. From pages
(Note: all footnotes within Nuclear Witnesses
are denoted with “nw” following the footnote number.)
Nuclear Power: A Simple Question
Many people think nuclear power is so complicated it requires
discussion at a high level of technicality. That’s pure nonsense.
Because the issue is simple and straightforward.
There are only two things about nuclear power that you need to
know. One, why do you want nuclear power? So you can boil water.
That’s all it does. It boils water. And any way of boiling water
will give you steam to turn turbines. That’s the useful part.
The other thing to know is, it creates a mountain of radioactivity,
and I mean a mountain: astronomical quantities of strontium-90
and cesium-137 and plutonium—toxic substances that will
last—strontium-90 and cesium for 300 to 600 years, plutonium
for 250,000 to 500,000 years—and still be deadly toxic. And the
whole thing about nuclear power is this simple: can you or
can’t you keep it all contained? If
you can’t, then you’re creating a human disaster.
You not only need to control it from the public, you also need to
control it from the workers. Because the dose that federal
regulations allow workers to get is sufficient to create a genetic
hazard to the whole human species. You see, those workers are allowed
to procreate, and if you damage their genes by radiation, and they
intermarry with the rest of the population, for genetic purposes it’s
just the same as if you irradiate the population
So I find nuclear power this simple: do you believe they’re going
to do the miracle of containment that they predict? The answer is
they’re not going to accomplish it. It’s outside the realm of human
You don’t need to discuss each valve and each
transportation cask and each burial site. The point is, if you
lose a little bit of it—a terribly little bit of
it—you’re going to contaminate the earth, and people
are going to suffer for thousands of generations. You have two
choices: either you believe that engineers are going to achieve
a perfection that’s never been achieved, and you go ahead;
or you believe with common sense that such a containment is never
going to be achieved, and you give it up.
If people really understood how simple a problem it is—that
they’ve got to accomplish a miracle—no puffs like
Three Mile Island—can’t afford those puffs of
radioactivity, or the squirts and the spills that they always
tell you won’t harm the public—if people understood
that, they’d say, “This is ridiculous. You
don’t create this astronomical quantity of garbage and pray
that somehow a miracle will happen to contain it. You just
don’t do such stupid things!”
Fukushima is the latest instance of mountains of deadly toxic
radioactivity released into the biosphere that humans are incapable of
In addition to the astronomical releases of radioactive isotopes
from such calamities there are also the medical and public
health consequences of the entire
nuclear fuel
cycle: from the
and enrichment
of uranium, its transport, operations in nuclear
reactors and routine standard operating procedures
that release radioactive isotopes
in both gaseous and liquid forms, as well as reprocessing of so-called
spent fuel,
disposal of radioactive trash, and
the proliferation of fissile materials employed to produce
nuclear weapons. To appreciate the magnitude we are dealing with concerning
man-made radioactive pollution, it is essential to learn about
a whistleblower who made significant contributions towards ushering in
the nuclear age and then devoted himself for over 30 years to point out
the dangers of further nuclear contamination to present and future generations.
John William Gofman, the son of David and Sarah Gofman, was born
in Cleveland, Ohio on September 21, 1918. His parents immigrated
from czarist Russia in about 1905. John Gofman graduated from
Oberlin College in 1939 with a B.A. in chemistry. After entering
Western Reserve University Medical School he decided he was not
getting the background depth in physical sciences he would need
for medical research. In 1940 he enrolled as a Ph.D. candidate in
chemistry at UC Berkeley. There he decided to work with Glenn
Seaborg, then an assistant professor, who was working with artificial
radioactivity. In February 1941 Seaborg co-discovered Plutonium,
the man-made radioactive element used in the 1945 atomic bomb
detonated over Nagasaki.
Gofman described beginning to work with
Seaborg as his faculty advisor in Nuclear Witnesses:
I thought, probably all kinds of biochemical problems in medicine
are going to be solved by the application of radioactive
How better could I prepare myself for a future medical career than to
work on a problem involving artificial radioactivity?
So I elected to work with Glenn Seaborg. He assigned me a
problem—there was a possibility from thorium you might be
able to make a substance called uranium-233, provided it existed,
and we didn’t know whether it would exist or not. He said,
“Why don’t you see if you can find out whether it
exists or not?”
It was just an interesting problem in nuclear physical
chemistry—an unknown part of a whole systematics of the
heavy elements. So I started to look, and the work went quite
well, and in about a year and a half I had discovered
It was possible that uranium-233, which I had discovered, might
be one of the substances used to make a bomb. It depended on
whether it fissioned more easily or less easily than plutonium,
which had been discovered by Seaborg, or than uranium-235, which
exists naturally. These were the three candidates to make a bomb,
and certain physics measurements on the fissionability would
determine which was the best.
So I started to work on trying to find out if uranium-233 was
fissionable, and I proved that it was, using what’s called both
slow- and fast- moving neutrons. In fact, I proved that it was
even better in many respects than plutonium for this
All that was connected with my Ph.D. thesis which I finished in
In 1941, while a graduate student, Gofman began working in the
Plutonium Project sector of the Manhattan Project. In February
1942 Seaborg left UCB to go to Chicago to head the plutonium
section of the Metallurgical Laboratory. Following this, Gofman
became the leader of the group Seaborg had directed at Berkeley.
Seaborg and Edwin McMillan were the first two chemists to work
with plutonium. As Gofman recalled this period,
When I finished the work on 233U, I became the fourth chemist in
the world to work with plutonium.... The guy who really did the
only chemistry that was worth talking about before I got in was
Arthur Wahl. He was a graduate student one year ahead of me. He
knew everything in the world there was to be known about
plutonium, and he taught me. And I got started at the same
In order to make a bomb out of plutonium, we had to learn a hell
of a lot of chemistry of plutonium, at a time when practically no
plutonium was available. We had never even seen it. We were
tracing its radioactivity around by its alpha radioactivity. But
we learned quite a bit about the chemistry of plutonium in the year
that followed.[6]
Dr. Robert Oppenheimer was a nuclear physicist involved in the
Manhattan Project and headed the Los Alamos Laboratory to build
and test the first atomic bomb. In the fall of 1943 he came to
see John Gofman with an urgent need.
I remember when J. Robert Oppenheimer came back from Los Alamos
and came to see me and said he absolutely needed a miligram of
plutonium in a hurry. At that time the total world stock was
about a tenth of a miligram—yet a year later we were going
to have grams of it—and asked if we would prepare
it. And we agreed to do it. So we bombarded a ton uranium nitrate
on the
Cyclotron night and day for two months and then
we set up a little chemical factory in Gilman Hall in the
chemistry department on the campus and we worked night and day
around the clock to separate that plutonium out of that ton of
uranium and deliver it to Dr. Oppenheimer and Dr. Kennedy: one
point two miligrams of plutonium. So it was the world’s
largest factor of increase in plutonium production at that
moment. The world’s first miligram. I don’t know
whether I’m proud of that or sad about it
It was a big, dirty job, and dangerous, because uranium gets
hot as a firecracker with radioactivity from all the fission
products that accumulate—all the strontium-90 and all
the cesium-137 and the radio-iodine, and everything else.
I didn’t know enough to have good sense, but I knew that
it was dangerous....
So I was the first chemist in the world to isolate milligram
quantities of plutonium ... We knew nothing of its biological
I got a good radiation dose in doing that work. I feel that
since that time, with each year that’s passed, I consider
myself among the lucky, because some of the people who worked
closely with me in the Lawrence Radiation Lab died quite
prematurely of leukemia and cancer. I’m still at a very
high risk, compared to other people because of the dose I got. I
probably got a hundred, hundred and fifty rems in all my work.
That’s a lot of radiation. And damn stupid, but nobody was
thinking about biology and medicine at that point. We were
thinking of the war. So we did it.[8]
John Gofman received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 1943 in
Nuclear/Physical Chemistry. His Dissertation was titled,
“The discovery of Pa-232, U-232, Pa-233, and U-233. The
slow and fast neutron fissionability of U-233.” As a
result of his work on the Plutonium Project Dr. Gofman
co-discovered protactinium-232, uranium-232, protactinium-233,
and uranium-233.
With Robert E. Connick and Arthur C. Wahl, he shares patent
#2,671,251 on The sodium uranyl acetate process for the
separation of plutonium in irradiated fuel from uranium and
fission products. With Robert E. Connick and George C.
Pimentel, he shares patent #2,912,302 on The columbium
oxide process for the separation of plutonium in irradiated fuel
from uranium and fission products. And with Glenn Seaborg and
Raymond Stoughton he shares patent #3,123,535 on The
slow and fast neutron fissionability of uranium-233, with its
application to production of nuclear power or nuclear
weapons. The work conducted with Glenn Seaborg, for
separating plutonium from uranium and other fission products of
irradiated nuclear fuel, was the precursor to full-scale
plutonium production at the
Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington.
The plutonium that was separated and produced at Hanford using
the techniques Gofman helped develop was used to make the
Nagasaki atom bomb.
After the plutonium work, Gofman was accepted into the second-year class
accelerated program for his M.D. degree at UC Medical School in San Francisco.
He graduated in 1946 with the faculty and his classmates choosing him
to receive the annual Gold-Headed Cane Award
for personifying the qualities of “a true
physician.” After his internship in 1947, Gofman joined the
faculty at UC Berkeley as assistant professor in the Division of
Medical Physics and also held the position of lecturer/instructor
in medicine at the UCSF. In 1954 he was promoted to professor at
Berkeley. Beginning in 1947 Gofman
began his research on coronary heart disease and, by developing special
flotation ultracentrifugal techniques, he and his colleagues
demonstrated the existence of diverse low-density lipoproteins
(LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Their work on lipoprotein
chemistry and health consequences included the first prospective studies
demonstrating that high LDL levels represent a risk-factor for coronary
heart disease and that low HDL levels represent a risk-factor for coronary
heart disease. His principal book on the heart disease research is
Heart Disease (Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas,
From 1947 to 1951 Dr. Gofman was a physician in radioisotope
therapy at the UCB Donner Clinic. During these years through
his research he became more and more engaged in studying
heart disease, lipoproteins, and how the blood transports
cholesterol. Through the ensuing decades there followed
acknowledgements from the medical establishment of the
significant contributions made by Dr. Gofman to the field of
heart disease.
1954: received the Modern Medicine Award “for distinguished achievement
... in recognition of outstanding contributions to the progress of
medicine as exemplified by his original contributions to the
investigation of cholesterol-bearing lipoproteins”.
1965: received the Lyman Duff Lectureship Award
of the American Heart Association, for his research in atherosclerosis
and Coronary Heart
1972: shared the
Stouffer Prize
for research in prevention, understanding and treatment of arteriosclerosis.
The prize committee was chaired by Professor Ulf S. von Euler, a former
chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physiology and
Medicine. The Committee cited Dr. Gofman “for pioneering
work on the isolation, characterization and measurement of
plasma lipoproteins, and on their relationship to
arteriosclerosis. His methods and concepts have profoundly
stimulated and influenced further research on the cause,
treatment, and prevention of
1974: the American College of Cardiology selected Dr. Gofman
as one of twenty-five leading researchers in cardiology of the
past quarter-century to participate in
documentary titled,
"An Oral History of Twenty-Five Years of American Cardiology:
1949 - 1974".
2004: the Journal of Lipid Research, Volume 45,
“Thematic review series: The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis. An interpretive history of the cholesterol controversy: part I”
delineated how, “John W. Gofman was not the first to
try to characterize the full spectrum of lipoproteins in the
blood, but he was the first to do so successfully. Gofman is
a prime example of the unusual man who straddles two fields
and as a result is able to see novel ways of applying methods
and ideas from one field to the other.” The article
concluded with: “In a 5- or 6-year
period beginning in 1949, Gofman and his collaborators turned out a
prodigious amount of new information about the lipoproteins in
human plasma, their metabolism, and their correlation with
atherosclerosis” (p.1591). “The impact of
Gofman’s work on the field was of great and lasting
2007: the Journal of Clinical Lipidology
re-published his quintessential 1954 work
and named Dr. Gofman “The Father of Clinical Lipidology”.[13]
W. Virgil Brown, M.D, the Editor-in-Chief of the JCL,
introduced the paper as “both a scientific tour de
force and an historically important presentation of concepts
that underpin our field ... [Gofman] not only discovered
relationships previously unknown but defined important questions
that remain unanswered even today ... [Many of his findings] were
rediscovered later without credit to this work ... Once you have
finished this paper ... you will understand why the name of
‘Father of Clinical Lipidology’ is fitting”
While engaged in the Plutonium Project during his graduate work
at UCB, John Gofman met Ernest Lawrence. Lawrence had received the
Nobel Prize for Physics, “for the invention and
development of the cyclotron and for results obtained with
it, especially with regard to artificial radioactive
elements”. In 1931 as part of the UCB Physics Department,
Ernest Lawrence founded the Radiation Laboratory. The research
it conducted revolved around his invention, the cyclotron.
Lawrence was very involved in the Manhattan Project during the
war. In 1946 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was created
which transferred the control of atomic energy from military to
civilian authorities. In 1952, Lawrence successfully lobbied the
AEC to establish the UC Radiation Laboratory in Livermore,
California. In 1954 Ernest Lawrence called Dr. Gofman into his
We were good personal friends. “I’m worried about
the guys out at Livermore,” he said. “I think they
may do some things to harm themselves. You’re the only
person who knows the chemistry and the medicine and the lab
structure. Could you do me a favor and go out there a day or two
a week and just roam around and see what the hell they’re
doing, and see that they do it safely? If you don’t like
anything they’re doing, you can tell them that your word is
my word, that either they change, or they can leave the
So I decided to do it.
While I was out there—to have something to do between times
of roaming around—I organized a Medical Department at the
Livermore Lab. It was then a lab of about fifteen hundred people.
It’s now about seven thousand. I organized the Medical
Department and served as the medical director. But I was there
only a day or two a week. The rest of the time I was in Berkeley
In the course of my wandering around I got to know all the
weaponeers who were working there. I worked with them, helped
them with some of their calculations on health effects and
problems of nuclear war, and so forth. They were making bombs,
new bombs, hydrogen bombs, designing all the bombs within the
nuclear subs, for missiles and so
In 1957 Dr. Gofman decided he was finished with what he had
set out to establish at Lawrence Livermore Lab regarding
radiation safety, turned the Medical Department there over
to Max Biggs, a former Ph.D. student, and went back to
Berkeley full time to teach and return to his heart
disease research.
By 1960 Gofman felt he needed to re-focus his energies into
something beyond heart disease research that would again
engage his attention and creative curiosity.
I decided that, although there was still a lot left to do in
heart disease, the excitement of my early discoveries, the
night and day work, wasn’t there any more. I’m not
very good at dotting I’s and crossing T’s. If
it’s not something really new and unknown, it’s not
something I want to do.
By then, two of my students were on the faculty and were doing
very nice work. So I said, “I’m going to get out of
the heart disease work totally. You take over.” They did,
and they’re still there, doing fine work. I shifted my
major emphasis to the study of trace elements in biology and
worked hard on that from about 1959 to
In 1962 a new situation began to develop that would fundamentally
alter how the health effects of all types of nuclear activities
are evaluated.
Gofman received a call from John Foster,
then-Director of the Lawrence Livermore Lab. The two men knew
each other from the 1954-57 period when Foster was in the Weapons
Division at Livermore and Gofman had helped him with his
calculations. The AEC was on the hot seat trying to diffuse
public outcry from Downwinders in Utah who had been hit
especially hard by very heavy fallout from bomb tests in Nevada.
Foster said the AEC wanted to set up a Biomedical Research
Division: “They think that maybe if we had a biology group
working with the weaponeers at Livermore such things could be
averted in some way—like you’d advise us not to do
this or to do this
Initially Gofman was resistant to the proposal because
he did not trust the AEC. As he recounted telling Foster,
“I don’t think they really want to know the hazards
of radiation. I think it’s important to know, but I
don’t think they want to know.” The footnote
to this statement quotes Gofman as saying, the AEC “had
tried to ridicule Linus Pauling’s calculations about
strontium-90 and carbon-14 in the late fifties—for which
got the Nobel Peace Prize. They said his calculations
were wrong. I even got caught up in that
mythology—thinking that Pauling might be wrong about the
low-radiation doses causing all these diseases. I took the wrong
position in 1957 on Pauling’s work, saying, ‘Since we don’t
know the answer for sure, we should not impede
In the end, acknowledging that fallout is important, Gofman
recounted how he decided to accept the proposal:
I thought about [it] and there were some really attractive
features. A three-and-a-half-million-dollar budget each year, [a]
new building, and not having to worry about grant applications
over and over. So, what [can] I say, somewhere along the line, I
had a lapse of cerebration. I said, ‘I will do
In 1963 Dr. Gofman went to Washington to sign the papers formalizing
his appointment. His former mentor and Ph.D. advisor,
Glen Seaborg, had been appointed Chairman of the Atomic Energy
Commission by President Kennedy in 1961. The signing established
that Gofman was to become head of this new Biomedical Division
and an Associate Director of the Livermore Lab. Years later he
recounted making a very clear statement during the signing:
I said, “I would like to say I don’t really give a
damn about the Atomic Energy Commission’s programs. I care
about the public health. And so, what I want you know is,
you’re asking me to set up a division to consider the
health effects of atomic bomb tests, uses in nuclear war, nuclear
power, peaceful uses of explosives. We’ll investigate these
problems, but you’re not going to get me to be silent and
use the secrecy stamp to keep something from surfacing that I
think the public ought to know.”
So I said, “having said that, I think you should think
twice about whether I’m the right person to head this
program.” I made [it] very clear exactly how I feel about
Glenn Seaborg said in memorable words, “Jack, all we want
is the truth.” If I’d ever seen the opposite of
reality, this was it.[19]
An indication of how Gofman did not trust the AEC is
his requesting and receiving from the President and Regents of
UC Berkeley a signed letter stating that at any time and for
whatever reason he was unhappy about the Livermore arrangement,
he could return to Berkeley and resume his fulltime
professorship with no questions asked.
The title of the project he was asked by the AEC to found
and be the first Director of was “Implications of All
Nuclear Energy Programs upon Man in the Biosphere.”
Asked later about how he would explain the fact that the AEC
went ahead and hired him after his stating unequivocally
that he placed the public health above any other concerns,
Gofman said:
I think they felt they could always control it. It’s
really complex. They probably figured people around me, like
Johnny Foster, might very well remind me of what is
appropriate behavior and so forth. I don’t think it was
smart of them to give me that job.... I think they made a
mistake in choosing me.... I think [Seaborg] had a high
regard for my ability and work. I had done a good job at
Berkeley when I was working with him in the war years.
So I think that had some bearing. We were friendly all
during the period from ’47 to ’60, when he
went off to head the Atomic Energy Commission, but not
terribly close at
As head of the new bio-medical division, Dr. Gofman built
up a group of 150 people, including about 35 senior
scientists whom he had worked with before as well as others
outside, along with engineers and technicians. Their exact
mission was “to calculate and do the experimentation
needed to evaluate the health effects of radiation and
radionuclide release from weapons testing, nuclear war,
radioactivity in medicine, nuclear power, etc.—all of
the atomic energy
Along with heading up the new Bio-Medical Division, Gofman
became one of nine associate directors of the entire lab. His
general area was anything in biology or medicine. And as an
associate director he described attending weekly
“directors’ meetings that concerned all lab
matters. So I was involved in the bomb testing and everything
Within weeks of beginning his tenure as Director Dr. Gofman
was asked to suppress evidence of fallout levels in Utah
that were orders of magnitude above what was claimed to be
permissable by the AEC at that time. He was called to
Washington where he met with five other scientists from
AEC-funded labs around the country.
There they were told by an AEC official that another AEC
scientist, Dr. Harold Knapp, had conducted a study that showed
fallout in southern Utah from bomb tests in the 1950s produced
levels of radio-iodine 100 or more times higher than the AEC
had publicly acknowledged. The group was told by the AEC man,
“We must stop that publication ... If we don’t
stop that publication, the credibility of the AEC will just
disappear, because it will be stated that we’ve been
Years later Dr. Knapp, who in 1962 had been a member of the
AEC fallout studies branch, described his own experience of
this situation:
When I told them in ’62 how high the dosage levels were,
the deputy director of the Division of Operational Safety had
this pitch: ‘Well, look, we’ve told these people
all along that it’s safe and we can’t change our
story now, we’ll be in trouble.’ And I told him,
‘Well, I know you guys have been telling them that, but I
haven’t, and I’m supposed to be studying fallout.
So don’t tell me what answers I have to
Dr. Gofman and the five other AEC scientists looked at Knapp’s
data and concluded that his study was sound and ought to be
published. The AEC man was very disappointed but could do
nothing to override Gofman’s and the others authority
to make the call to not suppress scientific truth. After returning to
Livermore, Gofman described how quickly, after his appointment
to the Lab, “within a matter of a few weeks one of
[Seaborg’s] chief men at the AEC is asking us to help
suppress the truth. So I came back to the lab and I told
Johnny Foster, ‘Well, the first encounter with Washington
was to help with a coverup.’... there was no further flap
from that. But it taught me something about the Washington
office—that they would lie, coverup, minimize hazards.
My worst suspicions were
Following this things went relatively quietly until 1969.
In 1965 Dr. Gofman appointed one of his junior associates to
chairman of the division so he could go back to the lab “to
have more time for his own laboratory research on cancer and
chromosomes (the Boveri Hypothesis), on radiation-induced
chromosomal mutations and genomic instability, and for his
analytical work on the epidemiologic data from the Japanese
atomic-bomb survivors and other irradiated human
In 1969 Dr. Ernest Sternglass, a physicist who had been studying
infant mortality, published estimates that 400,000 children may
have died from radioactive fallout from atmospheric nuclear bomb
testing. His calculations were cited in a September 1969 article
in Esquire magazine called “The Death of All
Children.” At this time the AEC was trying to get the
antiballistic missile program through Congress and they were
afraid that if Sternglass’s estimates were seen as valid
this could sink getting the ABM passed in the Senate.
The Washington office sent Sternglass’s paper to Dr. Gofman
and directors of other AEC laboratories. Gofman asked Dr. Arthur
Tamplin to evaluate the paper. Tamplin figured the number of deaths was
about 4,000, not 400,000 and at Gofman’s urging, he wrote
a paper with his determination and submitted it to the AEC for
approval to publish in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
Word came back from Washington that the AEC was very concerned
about Tamplin’s paper and did not want him to publish it
the way he had written it. Gofman and Tamplin got on the phone
with John Totter, the head of Biology and Medicine, and
another AEC official, Spofford English. Gofman asked what the
problem was with Tamplin’s paper and his wanting to publish
it in the Bulletin. As described in Nuclear Witnesses
the conversation proceeded with Totter responding, followed by Gofman:
“Tamplin has proved that Sternglass is wrong, and that four
hundred thousand children did not die from the fallout. But he’s
decided to put in that paper that four thousand did die. And we think
that his refutation of Sternglass ought to be in one article—like the
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which is widely read—and that
his four thousand estimate ought to be in a much more sophisticated
“Well,” I said, “I’ve talked to Arthur about this, and he says that
doesn’t make sense, because if you publish an article saying
Sternglass is wrong, the first thing anyone will ask you is what do
you think the right number is?”
“No, the two things are just separate,” he said.
Arthur Tamplin was on the phone. I said, “Art, I don’t think it
makes sense.”
“No, it doesn’t make sense to me.”
I said, “What in the world is the sense in separating these two
And this AEC fellow said, “Well, one ought to be in a scientific
I said, “What you’re fundamentally asking for is a whitewash. And
for my money, you can go to hell.”
At this point the conversation ended. Nothing further ever came
back from Washington and Dr. Tamplin published his paper in the
Bulletin. Gofman did acknowledge in Nuclear Witnesses
that 10 years after this the new evidence coming out suggested to
him that Sternglass may have been
In 1969 Dr. Gofman was invited to be one of two featured speakers
in the Plenary Session at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) conference held in San Francisco. On October
29 he presented a paper he and Dr. Tamplin had prepared titled,
“Low Dose Radiation, Chromosomes, and
Gofman summarized the paper’s talking point as,
“One, there would be twenty times as many cancers per
unit of radiation as anyone had predicted before, and two,
we could find no evidence of a safe amount of
radiation—you should assume it’s proportional
to dose all the way up and down the dose
Other than one article written in the San Francisco Chronicle
the paper did not receive any national press.
“This nuclear thing, it was a stone that fell in my
path, and so before I could go on I had to kick it out of
the way.”
—John Gofman reply to Anna Mayo after her asking why he had not kept quiet.
Interview appeared in The Village Voice after his IEEE talk.
On November 18, 1969 Dr. Gofman was invited by Senator Edmund Muskie
to address the Senate Committee on Public Works. Muskie was holding
hearings on nuclear energy. He was not aware of Gofman’s IEEE
paper and invited him to speak because he was associate director at
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Gofman prepared a paper for the Senate
Committee titled, “Federal Radiation Guidelines: Protection or
that expanded on the IEEE paper. This time Gofman’s
findings were picked up by the Washington press.
While he was testifying in Senator Muskie’s hearing room,
Gofman was asked by Ed Bowser, the Secretary on the Joint Committee on
Atomic Energy (JCAE), to come see its Chairman. Bowser took Gofman and
Tamplin to the JCAE Headquarters in the Congressional Building where
they were ushered into a secret Green Room and confronted by
Representative Chet Holifield, one of the Committee’s Chairs.
Rep. Holifield complained that Gofman and Tamplin were hurting the
atomic energy program and at one point said to Gofman, “There
are people like you who have tried to hurt the Atomic Energy
Commission program before. We got them, and we’ll get
you.” Gofman felt that Holifield, “didn’t mean
to kill us, but he meant they could take care of our
In short order Gofman and Tamplin came under vicious attack
from the AEC and the nuclear power industry. Dr. John Totter,
the head of biology and medicine at the AEC, was one of the
people who endeavored to slander and smear Gofman’s and
In 1980, Dr. Gofman reflected on
the contradictory nature of the attacks coming from within the AEC:
What happened when we came out with some facts about cancer and
radiation: Within two weeks certain officials of the AEC, not Glenn
Seaborg, were denigrating our work publicly, saying to reporters that
we were wrong, that we were incompetent. It was a most interesting
situation. Here is the department of the AEC that had just awarded
seven years of $3-to-3.5-million budgets to be used under my general
guidance, since I was the associate director for biology and
medicine at Livermore. And two weeks after we’d come out with
a paper on radiation, cancer, and chromosomes — By the
way, it was an invited paper from the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. In two weeks we became incompetent.
Here’s somebody that for seven years gave me $3.5 million
a year and couldn’t detect my incompetence; in two weeks
I was incompetent.[33]
In 1973 Gofman recounted how
it seemed somewhat strange to us that these people who ostensibly
had a grave concern about the hazard of radiation—indeed we
had been commissioned by the Atomic Energy Commission to find out
the hazard of radiation—should be so vehement in their
immediate attack upon us. And the fact that the attack came from
the electric utility industry and the manufacturers of nuclear
reactors made us wonder if there wasn’t something that the
nuclear power industry had to hide....
And, of course, they were trying to hide a great deal. Namely,
trying to sell the idea of nuclear power as being cheap, clean,
and safe. And our subsequent investigations directly went into
the question of nuclear power and we’ve concluded that this
industry is far, far from safe; far, far from clean; and the word
cheap is really a joke because it is the most expensive
imaginable way when you consider all the hidden subsidies and the
costs that don’t show in the actual operation of the
plant—namely your government subsidies—this is the
most expensive way to produce power.
The biggest subsidy of all that they have is to take away your right
to redress if you are ever injured through the courtesy of the U.S.
Congress passing a law called the
Price Anderson
[Act] Law which virtually removes the requirement of any
responsibility for damage caused by nuclear
After their November visit to Washington, both men were invited
to testify before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy in
January 1970. In the middle of 1969, Dr. Gofman had resigned his
position as associate director at Lawrence Livermore while
remaining a research associate. He was now spending half his time
at Livermore doing cancer and chromosome research and teaching
part-time at Berkeley. Dr Gofman recounts what developed next.
[A] lot of people from the electric utility industry ... were
saying our cancer calculations from radiation were
ridiculous, that they were poorly based scientifically, that
there was plenty of evidence that we were wrong. Things like
that. So I wondered what was going on there. At that
point—January 1970—I hadn’t said anything about
nuclear power itself. In fact, I hadn’t even thought about
it. It was stupid not to have thought about it. I just wondered,
Why is the electric utility industry attacking us?
I began to look at all the ads that I had just cursorily seen in
Newsweek and Time and Life, two-page spreads
from the utilities, talking about their wonderful nuclear power
program. And it was all going to be done “safely,”
because they were never going to give radiation above the safe
And I realized that the entire nuclear power program was based on
a fraud—namely, that there was a “safe” amount
of radiation, a permissible dose that wouldn’t hurt
anybody. I talked to Art Tamplin. “They have to destroy
us, Art. Because they can’t live with our argument that
there’s no safe threshold.” He said, “Yeah, I
gathered that.”
“So,” I said, “we have a couple of choices. We
can back off, which I’m not interested in doing and
you’re not interested in doing, or we can leave the lab and
I go back to my professorship and you get a job elsewhere, or we
can fight them. My choice is to fight them.” He said,
“I agree.”
Congress Hears the Evidence
The system used to discredit scientists like us is usually to
call you before the Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy—it’s a Congressional committee—and they
let you present your evidence, and then they get all their lackey
scientists, the ones who are heavily supported, to come in and
say why you’re wrong.
So I got the call just like I expected to from the Joint Committee.
Would I come in on January 18, 1970 to testify?
I said, “Art, just as expected, they’re ready to
slice our throats at a Congressional hearing. We’ve got a
lot more evidence that’s sort of undigested than we had
when you gave your paper and we gave the one at the Muskie
In about three weeks we wrote fourteen scientific papers.
I’d never done anything like that in my life. And we
learned new things. Stuff was falling together. We took on the
radium workers. We took some data on breast cancer. There was a
whole study of radium workers and their deaths. A guy at MIT had
said they wouldn’t get cancer below the safe threshold. We
pointed out his papers were wrong. There were the uranium miners,
who were getting lung cancer. And we analysed that and showed
how it also supported the idea that there was no safe dose. We
studied the dog data. Studies were being done at the Utah
laboratory and sponsored by the AEC—they were irradiating
dogs and studying how many cancers appeared. We took a whole
bunch of new human and animal data and wrote fourteen additional
papers that buttressed our position, that indicated, as a matter
of fact, that we’d underestimated the hazard of radiation
when we’d given the Muskie
In all, Gofman and Tamplin wrote 24 technical reports, which came
to be known as
“The G-T
Series.” They documented “in detail the much
larger association of ionizing radiation with cancer-causation
than had been previously estimated [and examined] all the major
sources of data from known, human exposures (including certain
medical therapies, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki data, the uranium
miners, the radium dial-painters) as well as relevant data from
animal exposures.” All 24 reports were submitted to two
Congressional Committees: the Environmental Effects Of Producing
Electric Power, Hearings before the Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy, 91st Congress in October and November 1969; and the
Underground Uses of Nuclear Energy, Hearings before the
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution of the of the Committee
on Public Works, U.S. Senate 91st Congress, Part 1, November 1969,
and Part 2, August 1970. As was explained in the published listing
of these reports, “It is no error ... that the date given to
an entire volume may be earlier than the dates on materials
included in that volume. Congress can operate that
Gofman’s and Tamplin’s strategy was well conceived, as
in this manner the papers were given wide distribution by being
published in their entirety in the Congressional Record and are
available at large libraries which keep collections of Congressional
As preparation for testifying, Gofman and Tamplin had produced
178 pages of testimony. Dr. Gofman next described how he
intended to address the challenges he knew they would be facing
from the Joint Committee.
We were going to take all this as evidence before the Joint
Committee. But I wanted to be sure that our material got out to
about a hundred key scientists in the country in case the AEC
tried to prevent us access via the journals.
—That’s always something you have to worry about.
The journals can easily not publish what you want to say.
It’s a simple technique. If the journals have editors and
staffs supported by an industry or government agency, you can be
blocked from getting your things
[I took the] 178 pages of scientific stuff ... over to the
Information Division at Livermore Lab. They nearly had a
conniption fit. They had heard all the flack about this. Roger
Batzel came running over to see me. We’ve always maintained
a open dialog in spite of everything. He said,
“What’s going on here? Why do you need this 178 pages
of stuff and you want 250 copies?” I said, “Yes,
Roger. Chet Holifield has invited me to speak at a hearing of the
Joint Committee,” and I said, “If you don’t
want to do it, I’ll call Holifield’s office and tell
him the Lab has decided not to permit me to prepare this material
for you, Mr. Holifield.” He said, “Oh no, no,
don’t do that. We’ll do it.” So I got the 250
[copies], of which I sent 100 to scientists around the country,
thinking it might be a good idea to have a copy out in some other
people’s hands.
We went in and I presented the thing. I thought they were going
to just tear it apart. Holifield said, “Well, you submitted
so much material. We haven’t had time to go over it.
We’ll call you back. Do nothing until you hear from
me.” So we never heard again from
After the preparation for and appearance before the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, Dr. Gofman began to experience the
chilling effects resulting from challenging the influence and
reach of the political and corporate interests driving the atomic
energy programs of the United States. The nuclear juggernaut
Gofman and Tamplin began to confront head-on in this time period
was a consequence of more than a half-century of disaster creep
since Roentgen’s discovery of the X-ray in 1895 (see
Disaster Creep - “Safe Doses” Belief Began
Post-1895, below) followed by the confluence
of further scientific innovation to make the atom bomb, Cold War
politics, and the pursuit of profit. Beginning at the end of the 19th
century, the dangers of looking only at the short time span
for recognizing the health consequences of exposure to low dose
ionizing radiation would lead to tragic and endemic denial of its
true health effects by official bodies beginning in the 1940s
through the remainder of the 20th century and beyond.
After testifying before the JCAE, Dr. Gofman returned to the lab
at Livermore and continued his research on chromosomes and cancer.
Years later he recounted how his morning office hours prior to
January 1970 were like Grand Central Station. Then his office
changed into an empty space that no one else inhabited.
During the period where I had been head of the department and
Associate Director of the Lab, I had mornings open to anyone who
wanted to come into my office: had all kinds of problems, needed
another technician or their wife was sick, they needed this, or
[one] needed that, or they wanted to talk about their research.
It was Grand Central Station [un]til noon. Twelve o’clock
noon, I went into the lab to work and I never would see people. I
wanted to work.
During those several weeks, both Tamplin and I were working until
11, 12, or 1 in the morning every night to try to get these
papers ready for the Joint Committee. I noticed the most
interesting thing during those weeks. Nobody ever came into my
office again, nobody. From Grand Central Station to a desert.
Nobody needed to see me at all.
So, I just worked in the lab. I worked on this preparation. But
on two occasions in the evening, two different scientists stuck
their head in my office. I can paraphrase only what they said,
not exactly: “Look John, I looked over your calculations on
this whole flack about radiation. I agree with you. I don’t
see anything wrong with your calculations.” I’d said,
“Great. Tamplin and I have a lot to do. How about you doing
this or that on some other part of it?” And the answer from
them was essentially this, “Look, you’re a professor
in the University, you don’t have anything to worry about.
If I help you, they’ll slice my throat.”
I said (to myself), “Look, this is a slave empire. If you
never find radiation harmful, [or if] you can find huge doses
harmful, nobody worries you. That doesn’t worry [the]
Commission. They can see that. But start to find that low doses
are harmful and they’re going to fight you every step of
the way. They don’t give two hoots in hell that it kills
millions of people or billions. They’re going to fight to
preserve the empire. The bureaucratic empire and the bureaucrats
cannot tolerate radiation to be
A revealing example of how truly desperate the Atomic Energy
Commission was to destroy the credibility of Drs. Gofman and
Tamplin—and maintain the lies and deceptions it
had been making with the false claim that there was a
“safe” level of exposure to radiation—came
in this time period of January 1970.
Gofman recounts how none other than Dr. John Totter visited a member
of the Public Health Service who had received a copy of the
G-T Series papers
Gofman had mailed out.
One of the guys we had mailed the papers to called me up. He was
in the Public Health Service, in a division separate from AEC.
It was on a weekend.
“I’ve got something disturbing to tell you,” he
said, “but if I tell you and you ever want to use it
legally, I’ll deny that I told you.”
“That sounds like terribly useful information,” I
said. “I can’t use it, but you think I ought to know
it. Well, go ahead.”
“Someone from the AEC came to my house last weekend,”
he said. “He lives near me. And he said, ‘We need you to
help destroy Gofman and Tamplin.’ And I told him
you’d sent me a copy of your paper, and I didn’t
necessarily agree with every number you’d put in, but I
didn’t have any major difficulties with it either. It
looked like sound science. And—you won’t believe
this—but do you know what he said to me? He said, ‘I
don’t care whether Gofman and Tamplin are right or
not, scientifically. It’s necessary to destroy them. The
reason is,’ he said, ‘by the time those people get the
cancer and the leukemia, you’ll be retired and I’ll
be retired, so what the hell difference does it make right
now? We need our nuclear power program, and unless we
destroy Gofman and Tamplin, the nuclear power program is in real
hazard from what they say.’ And I told him no. I refused.
I just want you to know if you ever mention this, I’ll
deny it. I’ll deny that I ever told you this, and
I’ll deny that he said it to me.”
“Well,” I said, “it’s nice to know. We
realized that we were in a war to the death, and that there was
no honor, no honesty in the whole thing, but that’s the way
it is. You’re not going to stand behind what you found
out. That’s okay with me
Between October 1969 and August 1970, Dr. Gofman gave many invited talks,
including “Can We Survive the Peaceful Atom?”
in Minnesota on April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day. In that speech, he
addressed the ethical aspects, and launched the radical concept that a
“tolerance”, i.e. legally permissible dose of pollutants
should be outlawed, since exposing humans without their consent to
health hazards should be a privilege which must be awarded only after
the polluter produces concrete evidence of both the benefits
and hazards from the polluting activities at a specific limit.
Only after such public hearings, and public comments, should legal
permission even be considered by government agencies. His proposal
contained the following:
Outlaw the concept of a “tolerance” [permissible]
dose of any by-product poison.
Abolish the dual role of promoter and protector for any
agency, governmental or otherwise.
Establish the principle that the only proper tolerance dose
of any poison is zero.
Instead of halting all technological advancement, require
that the current or prospective polluters prove their
cases in favor of specific levels of pollution above
On August 20, 1970 Drs. Gofman and Tamplin testified before
the Pennsylvania State Senate calling for “a 5-year
moratorium on the planning, construction, and operation of
nuclear power plants above ground anywhere in Pennsylvania
... a first step toward the safe consideration of nuclear
energy in the
This idea was further developed in a November 1972 article
written by Dr. Gofman and published in Environmental
“Reacting to
reactors—The ‘peaceful atom’: Time for a
moratorium.” Quoting the first and last paragraphs:
This is a recommendation for a moratorium on the construction
and licensing of any new nuclear power plants, breeder and
non-breeder, plus a termination of licensing of all nuclear
power plants now in operation....
The energy industry has no place in its ledgers marked "health
and welfare of future generations." Therefore, the task of
accomplishing a moratorium and providing a sane energy economy
cannot be entrusted to that industry. But individuals in society
do have a moral obligation to avoid recklessness and extremism
in dealing with the future of living creatures on earth. Given
the nature of the real problem of nuclear power, a problem
admitted by proponents and opponents of nuclear power, it is
difficult to understand the position of anyone who is not
insistent upon an immediate moratorium on all nuclear fission
power generation.
From this one can see the evolution of Dr. Gofman’s
thinking—from a reduced permissible radiation dose
(Oct 1969) to zero dose as the default level (April 1970),
to a 5-year moratorium on licensing any more nuclear plants
until the potential consequences for human health is better
understood (August 1970), to terminating the licenses of all
operating nuclear power plants (November 1972). In 1970
Gofman and Tamplin proposed establishing an “Adversary
Science” program where governments and polluters would be required
to provide the funds for experts whose duty would be to
uncover and publicly present the case against a proposed or existing
In May 1971, Dr. Gofman became Chairman of the newly formed
nonprofit research and educational group, the
Committee for
Nuclear Responsibility (CNR). Established by Lenore Marshall,
a poet concerned about nuclear issues, it was the first
national anti nuclear group. CNR’s Mission was
“to provide independent
analyses of sources and health effects of xrays and other ionizing
radiations.” Others who joined Gofman on CNR’s
Board of Directors included:
Prof. Lewis
Mumford, and Nobel Laureates
Urey, and
As expressed in its Mission
Statement, The Two Main Goals of CNR were:
One of CNR’s priorities is to make actual progress in
preventing cancer, by helping other groups and individuals to
eliminate the careless xray overdosing which occurs today in
medicine. Xray dosage can be cut in half (or more) without
interfering with good diagnostic information. CNR supplies the
evidence for such action, and regards “getting the job done” as
an ethical imperative—because every action which reduces
unnecessary irradiation is guaranteed to prevent a share of
future cancers which would otherwise occur.
A second function of CNR is helping other groups and
individuals to prevent additional nuclear pollution of the
planet. The importance of such prevention is supported by
detailed proof that there is no safe dose (threshold dose) of
ionizing radiation with respect to causing mutations and human
Following these Goals, a more detailed and specific purpose
was expressed that is as necessary to pursue, and as relevant
today, as it was in 1971.
The Real Reason For Our Existence
The real reason for our existence is to counter the unrealistic
information provided by some other sources.
Radiation from xrays, nuclear pollution, and other sources of
ionizing radiation, can injure our genetic molecules—DNA
and chromosomes. Radiation-induced damage
cannot always be
successfully repaired by our cells because damage from ionizing
radiation can be especially complex. Cancer and inherited
afflictions are caused by damaged genetic molecules. Ionizing
radiation is a proven cause of human cancer. None of this is in
dispute, none of this is speculative.
Nevertheless, exposure to ionizing radiation is seldom listed as
a “risk factor” for cancer and inherited
problems—even though it may well be the single most
important cause to which everyone is exposed. Today, the largest
sources of willful radiation exposure are diagnostic medical
irradiation and work-related doses. In the future, nuclear
pollution may exceed those sources, if citizens become lazy
The powerful medical and nuclear industries do not educate people
realistically, in our opinion, about the aggregate consequences
of 200 million xray procedures per year in the USA, and about the
aggregate consequences of low-level nuclear pollution. The
tobacco industry was not the leader in warning people about the
health consequences of smoking, either.
In 1971 the AEC began to push the Administration at Livermore Lab
to phase out Gofman’s program of laboratory research on
chromosomes and cancer. This situation culminated with his
resigning from the Lab in February 1973. He then returned to teaching full-time at Berkeley, and
chose an early and active “retirement” in 1974 as
Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cellular Biology in order
to fully devote his time on pro-bono research into human
health-effects from radiation.
While still research associates at Lawrence Livermore, Drs. Gofman
and Tamplin wrote a book for lay people that summarized their research
into the grave dangers posed by man-made nuclear pollution. It
was published in 1971 under the title, Poisoned Power: The
Case Against Nuclear Power Plants. It explained how atomic
radiation created in the operation of nuclear power plants will
result in many more deaths from cancer and leukemia than had
ever been acknowledged by the AEC, government officials, or the
nuclear power industry and how the potential injury to future
generations from genetic damage was even more grossly underestimated.
The book was reprinted in 1979 with the extension to the subtitle:
The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants Before and After Three Mile
The 1979 edition is available
online in its entirety. More than 40 years later, the facts,
comparisons, and insights presented are as relevant today as they
were when first published. Two examples illustrate the book’s
value in educating the public about the dangers posed by nuclear power
and its advocates that previously were simply omitted from government
and commercial media claims and pronouncements.
Calculating from first principles of nuclear
fission[45], the
book explains how,
One year of operation of a single, large nuclear
power plant, generates as much of long-persisting radioactive
poisons as one thousand Hiroshima-type atomic bombs....
Once any of these radioactive poisons are released to the
environment, and this we believe is likely to occur, the
pollution of our environment is irreversible. They will be with
us for centuries. It is important that people learn how
they are likely to be exposed to such poisons and how
death-dealing injury is thereby produced in the individual and
in all future
The insurance industry gave nuclear power a “No
Confidence” evaluation by inserting exclusion clauses
into most Homeowners’ policies if homes and property
suffered damage from radioactivity and nuclear plant
accidents. The electric utility would not have ventured
into nuclear power if they could be held liable for possible
disastrous accidents.
A bill was proposed, known as the
Price-Anderson Act, which simply eliminated individual
liability in the event of a major accident in a nuclear
electricity plant.... The key point, over and above the lack
of confidence of the insurance industry in nuclear electricity
plants, is the utter disregard of personal rights the
Price-Anderson Act represents for the average citizen. Since
the maximum coverage is 560 million dollars per nuclear
electricity accident, and since the damage can run to 7
billion dollars, in a serious accident, the individual might
recover only 7 cents out of every dollar lost, assuming he is
lucky enough to emerge from such an accident with his
The concluding
section of the
1979 Foreward to
Poisoned Power emphasizes the primary issue present
throughout the history of nuclear power. It is not about the
technical issues from those who propose employing and advancing
this technology throughout society. It is the ethical and moral
considerations that form the basis of any rational dialogue
concerning pursuing this extremely hazardous technology for the
purpose of boiling water to run a turbine to generate electricity.
Summary: The Important Questions
There has been much press and TV coverage devoted to the
technical aspects of the Three Mile Island accident, but
very little to its moral aspects. Yet the really important
questions about nuclear power are ethical:
The use of lies and deception by the nuclear industry
in order to manipulate public opinion, and in order to
use people, even kill people, for the benefit of
that industry.
The experimentation on people without their knowledge
or consent.
The acceptance of random murder and denial of the
inalienable right to life as the cost of “progress.”
- The genetic degradation of the human species, vs. our
minimum responsibility to protect our species’ genes from
The need to hold bureaucrats and industry employees
personally accountable and responsible for implementing
hazardous and even murderous policies, even if such
policies are advocated by Congress and the President.
Yes, Poisoned
Power is a sad story about the absence of ethics
and morals in men. But it is not too late to jolt society
into realization of what is going on, and what is in the
future if humans do not improve in the very basic and
minimum principles of morality. Either we improve, or
the future is dismal indeed. We hope that Poisoned
Power upsets you enough to make you work toward such
John W. Gofman
San Francisco
June 1979
The Question Which Demands An Answer
“After [losing government funding for lab research at
Livermore and] returning full-time to my professorship at
the University of California, I have been thinking about the
implications for humanity of the conflict-of-interest problem.
How can humanity have even the remotest chance of protecting
its own health, when an agent of poisoning the population is
also the sponsor of virtually all the health research
concerning the pollutant?”
In 1981, Dr. Gofman had gathered and analysed the data from every
valid existing study of low-level radiation to demonstrate that
official estimates of radiation health hazards had been seriously
underestimated. Published in a 908-page compendium entitled,
and Human Health, the cover’s subtitle reads, “A
comprehensive investigation of the evidence relating low-level
radiation to cancer and other
The opening of the 1982 review in
the Journal of the American Medical Association
stated, “This remarkable and important book enables any
intelligent person with a high school education to understand the
complexities involved in assessing the risks to man from low levels
of ionizing radiation. Gofman not only demonstrates his mastery of
this complex subject but carefully explains the basic concepts of
epidemiology, genetics, birth defects, carcinogenesis, radiobiology,
physics, chemistry and even mathematics, which are necessary to an
understanding of the
The book’s purpose was described in the dust jacket.
This comprehensive source book contains the practical information
needed to make personal as well as family decisions about
voluntary exposures to medical and dental radiation (of special
consequence to young children, who are among the most vulnerable
to radiation injury), as well as occupational exposures. This
invaluable reference is also available for physicians, public
health officials, researchers, scientists, and others who must
make knowledgeable risk estimates of radiation hazards. Dr.
Gofman explains:
how to estimate diminished life-expectancy from various
radiation exposures;
how to evaluate the consequences to an unborn child of
irradiation during its mother’s pregnancy;
how to assess the medical probability that a particular
cancer results from a previous radiation exposure;
how to compare the likelihood of developing cancer or
leukemia with or without various radiation exposures;
how to estimate the consequences of exposing the entire
body to various doses of radiation;
how to estimate the consequences of exposing specific parts
of the body to various doses of radiation, including
breast exposure from mammography, brain exposure from
dental X-rays, and more;
how to evaluate the genetic consequences to future
generations of our own radiation exposures.
This profoundly important book offers an original and
urgently needed evaluation of the risks associated with
a wide variety of radiation sources, from the dramatic
(such as nuclear accidents and weapons-testing) to the
commonplace (exposures from building materials, color
televisions, and normal “background”
In pages 52-53 of the book, Dr. Gofman explains what causes
“the enormous effectiveness of ionizing radiation” by
comparing it with a fever. This explanation and its expression is
representative Gofman’s skill in describing highly complex
biological and physical processes in a manner accessible to lay
people. The same logic—having to do with the unique
physical properties of ionizing radiation compared
with heat—also explains the potency, or
“effectiveness” in the jargon of radiation biology, of
ionizing radiation compared with chemical toxins and chemical
In the following, the caret character ^ indicates that the next
number is an exponent.
Effectiveness of
Thus far we have not concerned ourselves with the special
properties of ionizing radiation except to note that the energy
of a beta particle, for example, can be 100,000 or even 1,000,000
or more times greater than the energy required to break even a
strong chemical bond in biological tissue. But that does not tell
us the whole story about the enormous effectiveness of ionizing
radiation energy in producing devastating biological effects such
as cancer and even virtually immediate death.
Just how much energy is represented by one rad? And how effective
is that energy in producing biological injury compared with other
modalities which might deliver energy to tissues? As an
interesting comparison, we may compare the biological
effectiveness of energy from ionizing radiation with energy from
heat (Gofman 1960).
The calorie is the familiar unit in chemistry that
describes energy transfers involving heat. One calorie is that
amount of energy which will raise the temperature of one gram of
water by one degree centigrade. (This definition does change some
at different temperatures of water, but for our purposes here we
can neglect those small changes.)
The best estimates are that approximately 400 rads of whole-body
radiation, if delivered rapidly, are sufficient to cause 50% of
the exposed humans to die within a period of days to weeks. This
is the so-called acute radiation sickness. Is this a great deal
of energy in heat terms? Some simple calculations will show that
it is not.
Since 1 rad represents the absorption of 100 ergs per gram of
tissue, it follows that 400 rads represents the absorption of
40,000 ergs per gram. The conversion factor from ergs to calories
is 2.39 × 10^-8. Therefore,
ergs calories calories
40,000---- x 2.39 x 10^-8-------- = 9.56 x 10^-4--------
gram erg gram
We can round this off to approximately 10^-3 calories/gram (or
0.001 calories/gram).
Biological tissue is quite comparable with water in the amount of
heat required to raise its temperature by one degree centigrade.
So we shall say that the required amount is one calorie per gram
for biological tissue too. Therefore, our 10^-3 calories/gram
from the absorption of 400 rads of ionizing radiation energy
would be enough to raise the temperature of biological tissue by
0.001° centigrade. Not much of a fever! We tolerate fevers of
several degrees centigrade (not thousandths of a degree) in a
variety of infectious diseases. Yet the amount of ionizing
radiation that can kill half of the humans exposed to it,
would—if converted first into heat—raise temperatures
only by 0.001° centigrade.
This points up the biologically deadly difference between energy
in the form of heat versus the same amount of energy in the form
of ionizing radiation. Why is the effect of ionizing radiation so
much larger?
The difference resides in the fact that the energy of ionizing
radiation is not distributed the way the thermal energy of a
fever is, the latter being about evenly distributed among all the
molecules of a gram of tissue. Instead, the energy of ionizing
radiation is transferred from photons to single electrons, which
in turn transfer all their energy to relatively few
electrons in relatively few molecules. The transfer occurs
in extremely concentrated fashion compared with the even
diffusion of heat energy. Therefore, the energy delivered by
ionizing radiation is energetic enough to break any
chemical bond, even the strongest ones in living tissue. We shall
learn later that certain chemical bonds in cells are crucial, and
breaking just a few of these bonds may set a cell on the path to
Radiation and Human Health was published in the year after
the release of the quasi-official Committee on the Biological
Effects of Ionizing Radiation
BEIR Report. It challenged a
number of BEIR’s methods and conclusions. From this, the
New York Times convened a three-way discussion with Dr.
Gofman and two members of the BEIR committee, one of whom was
its Chairman, Edward Radford. It was titled
Radiation, How Little Is Too Much?” and appeared in the
Sunday “Week in Review” section. Dr. Gofman found it
hard to believe that medicine tolerated the administration of
x-rays, a powerful, proven carcinogen and mutagen without insisting on
[M]y estimate is that in the next 30 years, medicine is
going to sign about 1,400,000 death warrants as the result of
unnecessary radiation exposure. I’m not talking about
therapeutic radiation, just diagnostic. There is nothing on the
cancer horizon aside from cessation of smoking that has a much
prospect for improving public health as reducing diagnostic
exposures. And I’m not speaking of eliminating a single
X-ray. When the public starts to say they won’t go to a
facility that doesn’t give a certified lowest dose
compatible with getting good diagnostic information, then we
are going to see a massive reduction....
Medicine is producing harm and should clean up its act.
We’ve got the competence in the form of health physicists
and radiation physicists to show the way.
In 1985, at the request of Sierra Club Books (the publisher of
Radiation and Human Health), Dr. Gofman and Egan
O’Connor produced
Health Effects of Common
From the book’s dust jacket:
While emphasizing that diagnostic X-rays produce benefits as
well as risks, the authors, radiation expert Dr. John Gofman
and science writer Egan O’Connor, show how the risks
can be dramatically lowered by specific steps which individual
readers can take on their own to avoid unnecessarily high X-ray
doses. They point to recent research data from the Mayo Clinic
and Case Western Reserve, where teams have cut the risk of
breast cancer more than 60-fold, from upper spine exams, by
developing ways to reduce dose. Similar efforts could prevent
1.5 million cancers among Americans in one generation without
eliminating a single X-ray exam.
A review
in the New England Journal of Medicine described the
book’s organization:
It is divided into 22 chapters,
including tables based on the authors’s data on the risks
of future leukemia and cancer resulting from common diagnostic
examinations. Such examinations include routine films,
fluoroscopy, angiography, mammography, dental x-ray films, and CT
scanning. The handbook is clear, succinct, and pedagogically
organized. The risk values are tabulated, projections or exposures
titled, and in the event the reader believes the authors’
numbers to be high, convenient lowering factors are provided with
which to calculate reduced risk....
The humanity and concern of the authors as physicians and
scientists are expressed in a quotation from the earlier work:
“The author knows that it is just by chance that he did not
receive the damaged genes and chromosomes that produce very low
intelligence, severe emotional disorders, early death, or major
physical disorders. Luck, not merit. Those of us who were lucky
may express our gratitude ... by working to protect the integrity
of the species’ genetic materials from unnecessary
Dr. Gofman’s concern regarding unnecessarily higher
doses received from medical irradiation than are required
to produce the same diagnostic benefits would continue to
be incorporated into his research and future books.
On September 9, 1986, Dr. Gofman presented his estimate of the
cancer consequences of the Chernobyl accident, as an invited
speaker at the Low-Level Radiation Symposium of the 192nd
National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. The title
of his presentation was, “Assessing Chernobyl’s
Cancer Consequences: Application of Four ‘Laws’
of Radiation
His figure, never modified, was a half million undetectable
fatal cancers from the cesium fallout alone. Undetectable? Yes.
Because the extra cancers would occur over a vast geographical
area and over a century, even a half million fatal cases would
be undetectable against the much higher “background”
cancer rate. He thought Sherlock Holmes would be impressed by
the capability to kill a half million people and get off scot
free. His estimate was well covered by the press services, to
the likely dismay of the nuclear industry which had a
significant presence at the
In 1990, the further development and continuing refinement of
Dr. Gofman’s research was published in
Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure: An Independent
(A majority of the book
is available online.)
It included a powerful challenge to the popular “threshold”
hypothesis which proposed that, at some unspecified low dose,
repair of radiation-injured genes and chromosomes would be
perfect, and that below such a “threshold dose,”
exposure to ionizing radiation would be risk-free. Combining his
knowledge of how ionizing radiation delivers its energy along
primary ionization tracks, with existing evidence of
cancer-induction at low doses, he was able to prove “by any
reasonable standard of biomedical proof” that no exposure
to ionizing radiation is risk-free with respect to DNA
The core of this comprehensive proof is presented in
Chapter 18,
“Disproof of Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate of Ionizing Radiation,
with Respect to Induction of Cancer in Humans,” with
Chapters 19 through
21 comprising
the Auxiliary Chapters on the Threshold Issue. Combined, these
chapters form
5: Disproof of Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate.
Within three years, the quasi-official radiation committees (the
United Nations committee, the British committee, and two American
committees) began gradually but openly to publish the same
The book was compared very favorably in the New England
Journal of Medicine
with the 1990 BEIR Report. It was also translated and published in Russia
right after the U.S.S.R. disintegrated. Dr. Gofman soon received
e-mail from a Russian geneticist calling it “a
masterpiece.” A traveling American “activist”
reported that he saw this book and also the 1994 one
(below) on the desk of every environmentalist
he visited in Russia, Belarus, and
From the Right Livelihood Foundation in Sweden Dr. Gofman received
the Right Livelihood Award in
Dr. Jakob von Uexkull’s
statement, in presenting the award to John Gofman
“for his pioneering work in exposing the health effects of low-level
radiation,” was: “The Right Livelihood Award for vision
and work forming an essential contribution to making life more
whole, healing our planet, and uplifting humanity.” Gofman
donated the entire award he received to the Committee for Nuclear
Along with Dr. Gofman’s speech given at the award ceremony
on December 9, 1992,
“A Key Step in Protecting the World’s Health,” he
also wrote a paper on the occasion of the award entitled,
‘Un-Knowledge’ And Nuclear Pollution: A Common-Sense
More than 20 years later, this paper retains its timeliness.
A few excerpts convey a sense of the import.
The Question Which Demands an Answer
After [losing government funding for lab research at
Livermore and] returning full-time to my professorship at
the University of California, I have been thinking
about the implications for humanity of the
conflict-of-interest problem. How can humanity
have even the remotest chance of protecting its own
health, when an agent of poisoning the population is
also the sponsor of virtually all the health
research concerning the pollutant?
4 • Some Basic Rules of Believable Bio-Medical Research
The key to believable bio-medical research
is obedience to the Rules of Research, some of
which are listed below. It follows that we can
solve our problem if we figure out and establish
a mechanism to ensure that the Rules of Research
receive real implementation, not mere
Nine Essential Rules of Inquiry in Medical Sciences
To help prevent production of false databases and false
“findings,” either through bias or scientific error,
medical science has developed some basic Rules of
Research. Adherence to these rules is essential for
conducting scientifically credible studies of
Chernobyl’s radiation consequences. For comparing
exposed and non-exposed groups in epidemiological
studies, some basic rules are abbreviated below.
In subsequent sections Dr. Gofman goes on to demonstrate
Examples of Rule-Breaking in Radiation Research:
Following this is a proposal for independent watchdog scientists
to work inside the central Chernobyl data base that was under
construction at that time. The
distinguished between The Easy and the Difficult:
Common-sense proposals—like independent “watchdog
authorities”—are the easy part. The hard part is
reaching a critical mass of international support sufficient to
establish and sustain mechanisms which will cope with the thrust
of “concentrated benefit” in all sorts of areas.
Since human nature is not going to change its range and
distribution, we have to become realistic about controlling its
darker aspects.
The concept of independent “watchdoggery” is such a
control, needed to offset a great conflict of interest in certain
types of research.
The proposal will meet with dedicated opposition beneath the
surface, thanks to “concentrated benefit.” Even its
supporters will call it very difficult to achieve. And they will
be correct, because the public is told loudly and often that most
injuries from pollution are “just hypothetical—an
exceedingly “diffuse harm.”...
In 1993 Dr. Gofman and Egan O’Connor wrote a paper
published by CNR that analyzed what was alluded to in the
conclusion above: “What
Is Humanity’s Most Harmful Law?
The Law of Concentrated
Benefit over Diffuse
While acknowledging that “[m]any scholars have written
about this extremely important axiom before,” and “[t]he
fact that narrow special interests are always at work for their
own benefit at the expense of others is not at all
surprising, given human nature,” the authors point out the
“surprising aspect is the failure of so many
victims—especially in peaceful democracies—to
appreciate the aggregate consequences which inevitably
accrue, when each small injustice has such a high chance of
We regard Concentrated Benefit as the most harmful law of all
humanity. Is this correct?
The terrible feature of this law is that each incremental
injustice has a very high chance of prevailing. So, even when new
injuries or injustices truly are small, the aggregate abuse can
accumulate to tragic proportions after the axiom of Concentrated
Benefit has operated on behalf of various narrow interests again
... and again ... and again....
The axiom of Concentrated Benefit over Diffuse Injury accounts
for the current promotion of a “de minimis” policy
toward nuclear (and other) pollution. A de minimis policy asserts
that society should not concern itself with trivia. (Latin: De
minimis non curat lex. The law does not concern itself with
trifles.) A de minimis policy toward pollution asserts
that poisonous discharges and human exposures below a certain
level should be treated as non-existent—because their
consequences are allegedly trivial.
Trivial. That is the essence of the axiom. Triumph for each
injustice is virtually assured if the advocates succeed in
presenting it as trivial....
Even after a nuclear accident as severe as Chernobyl, it is
unrealistic for an irradiated population to feel, “We are
all doomed,” or “The children are all doomed.”
Although the aggregate number of Chernobyl-induced cancers will
be very large—at least a million over all time—this
will occur not because everyone in fallout areas has a high
personal risk of cancer from Chernobyl. It will occur because
there is no safe dose, and therefore the accident creates a small
extra risk of cancer for many people (over 500 million
exposed individuals, inside and outside the ex-USSR).
The fact that the enormous health consequences of the Chernobyl
accident are diffused among so many people is what allows
powerful operation of the law of Concentrated Benefit over
Diffuse Injury. Governments which sponsor nuclear power can say
that personal cancer-risks even from Chernobyl are small. This
assurance is supposed to inactivate public resistance to
“routine” levels of nuclear pollution....
With respect to nuclear pollution and every other type of
persistent pollutant which lacks a safe dose, the following point
deserves emphasis again and again:
What counts biologically is the sum of all the injuries over time
from ALL the combined sources and events which release persistent
poisons (radioactive or other) into the biosphere. If the sum
matters biologically, then each contribution to the sum matters.
Whoever consents to the small releases is consenting
automatically to their worldwide sum, whatever it turns out to be.
In 1994, by request from citizens in Belarus for an independent
expert opinion about the probable health consequences from the
nearby Chernobyl accident, Dr. Gofman completed
Accident: Radiation Consequences For This And Future
Published in Russian only, it is a 574-page book in which
he provided lessons in radiobiology and explained how he
derived his estimates. The book sold out immediately, except
for some copies that were reserved as graduation gifts for
medical students at the Minsk
Medical Institute. Presumably both the 1990 and 1994 books
had considerable impact in the former Soviet Union, where
people no longer trusted experts employed by any government.
On March 20, 1995, Dr. Gofman submitted
Supplement—reproduced below in full—to the
History he had participated in as part of the
Radiation Experiments Oral Histories. This program was
initiated in December 1993 by U.S. Secretary of Energy Hazel
O’Leary. The Supplement provides context regarding how,
in the five decades preceding the Manhattan Project, the dominant
biomedical community erroneously believed that exposure to low
dose ionizing radiation was of no consequence. Once this bias of
missing the boat concerning cancer induction had been adopted
over decades, the imperative to continue operating with the
“no problem from exposure to low-dose radiation”
mindset predominated. This overrode all voices urging caution or
that the medical community’s prior guidance was wrong.
Supplement to the Oral History of John W. Gofman
March 20, 1995
An Overview in Retrospect of the “1945 + Human Radiation Experiments”
It is my opinion based upon some major studies I have
accomplished in the past year that it is a grave mistake to
consider “human radiation experiments” as a phenomenon peculiar
to the advent of large-scale atomic energy.
In fact, the really significant events were in 1895 (Roentgen’s
discovery of the X-Ray), and 1898 (the Curie’s discovery of
radium). The true era of massive human radiation experimentation
began very shortly after Roentgen’s work, and by the 1940-1945
period, all the features were in place that ASSURED we would have
precisely what has been found to have been the case in the
post-1945 period. But there really was nothing special about the
human experiments beginning after 1945.
Two Major Facts of Life Which Must Be Conceded Here
1. Humans in recent decades (last couple of hundred
years) operate on the technological imperative. Whatever is
discovered must be applied immediately. There has been no
thought, until recently, about DISASTER CREEP which can occur as
a result of looking only at the short span of time for
consequences of exposure to new technologies.
2. A special example of disaster creep is the
inordinately long latent period before the full flowering of
cancers following exposure to carcinogens such as ionizing
radiation. The time is clearly at least 50 years and it may
really be 60 or more years.
THE RESULT: The bulk of cancers from x-radiation
and radium gamma rays simply were not seen, partly because of the
long latency and partly because the idea that long-term follow-up
was essential was clearly dismissed in the half-century after the
Roentgen discovery.
THE FALSE CONCLUSION: Doses of 200, 400, 600, and
even over 1000 Roentgens of exposure to partial body radiation
were erroneously exonerated as cancer producers. Millions of
cancers were set in motion in the populations receiving ionizing
radiation in the half-century before the A-bomb.
And this set the stage for all the events recently receiving notice. How?
Radiation below 500 to 1000 roentgens of exposure was ridiculed
as being of no consequence by failure to look at the follow-up of
persons exposed.
When the post-Hiroshima era resulted in the massive Atomic Energy
Bureaucracy, with all the biases built-in from 50 years of having
missed the boat concerning cancer production, WHO WAS PUT IN
A TOTAL BIAS IN FAVOR OF “No Problem from Low-Dose Radiation.”
Although there should have been more thoughtfulness over the
uranium miners and dial painters, somehow the idea became
accepted that beta particles and electromagnetic radiation simply
had shown themselves not to be a worry. Alpha particles,
grudgingly yes.
Not that these people were correct. THEY WERE NOT. But I am
describing the atmosphere in which these individuals came to be
the dominant forces in setting up the post-war era of biology and
medicine of irradiation. The bias was overwhelming, and with
their short-sighted look at the problem, it seemed as though they
really believed there was no harm.
That was the EARLY phase post-war. But once the bureaucracy was
set up and the movers and shakers were told, “No problem with
health issues,” the door was opened wide for all sorts of
proposals from nuclear power, massive uses of radionuclides in
medicine and elsewhere, and even all the “Plowshare” ideas.
This set up a new phase. Once the biologists had told the high
moguls there was no problem with health effects, all kinds of
wheels were in motion and from there on out, the biomedical
people had to try to have biology conform to their erroneous view
of what the real truth was.
And all hell would break loose if the moguls had been embarrassed
by the poor biological guidance from an inept biomedical
community. And that community, seeing this golden goose of
unlimited funds for research and grants, simply was not in any
mood to say, “Go Slow,” or that our prior guidance was wrong.
We are now slowly coming off that erroneous mountain—but
because so much prestige and so much funding have gone into the
enterprise, the easiest path is denial that any problem exists at
doses of a few rads. After all these same people just a couple
of decades earlier were telling the Congress and the public that
500 to 1000 rads were “Safe” exposures. I have recently found
even more evidence that this was the prevailing view at the
bureaucratic top.
There is a fundamental rule that exposing persons to a potential
poison, with an assurance of safety when that cannot be assured,
is fraudulent. At the very least, this constitutes human
experimentation, with its Nuremberg connotations. Such
experimentation is commonplace today, with so-called safe
standards being set for “tolerance” doses. The idea of safe
doses was much much more in error for the 50 year period before
the atomic bomb.
Now we can go into the Oral History, but I think failure to
appreciate the 50 years before the a-bomb completely confuses the
persons looking into the ethics of so-called “human
experimentation.” The outcome WAS CRADLED long before the
post-bomb period, and was an inevitable expectation.
End of Prologue
I have felt these conclusions needed to be here. They have
resulted from an in-depth year-long investigation of the extent
to which ionizing radiation, primarily medical x-rays and radium
gamma rays, accounts for the current level of breast-cancers.
We estimate that
75 % of all breast-cancers were and are induced primarily by
medical irradiation. Most of that was in the horrendous use
of fluoroscopy and the equally questionable uses of radiation in
the therapy of benign diseases—from dermatologists to
rheumatologists. There is some REAL human experimentation.
John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D.
March 20, 1995
Also in 1995, the first edition of Preventing Breast-Cancer:
The story of a Major, Proven, Preventable Cause of This Disease
was published. It presented Dr. Gofman’s careful estimates of
how much breast cancer in the United States was due to earlier medical
x-rays during the 1920 to 1960 period. A second edition published
in 1996 is available
online in its
The following quotes offer starting points into this study.
Bottom line: The
recent increase in breast-cancer incidence is not a mystery.
About 75 % of annual incidence is caused by earlier exposure
to ionizing radiation, primarily medical x-rays.
The task is not to reject medical uses of
radiation, which are often very beneficial for women. The
task is for everyone—most especially women and their
physicians—to get busy providing those benefits with
vastly less harm.
Radiation dose-levels from mammography have already
been reduced by 30-fold compared with doses twenty-five
years ago. This study makes it clear that it would be
criminal not to make the same serious effort to
reduce unnecessarily high doses in other radiation
Dr. Gofman has a track-record of being right. For example,
he led the group which demonstrated the existence of diverse
low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins
(HDL). Their work on lipoprotein chemistry and health
consequences included the first prospective studies
demonstrating that high LDL levels represent a risk-factor
for coronary heart disease and that low HDL levels represent
a risk-factor for coronary heart disease.
Although resistance to their findings was fierce at first,
their work stood the test of time and became very widely
Now Dr. Gofman’s 1995 book identifies earlier medical
irradiation as the major cause of the breast-cancer problem
in the USA—and he expects that the finding will be
highly unwelcome in some circles of medicine and
government. A few individuals may promptly deny the finding
without even reading the work. By contrast, the book solicits
thoughtful peer-review from objective sources who “read first,
judge second.” It is worth emphasis that Dr. Gofman’s book
is fully compatible with roles for additional causes of
breast-cancer (see Index:
“Co-action of cancer-causes”).
There are 182,000 women every year (USA), newly diagnosed
with breast-cancer, who want to know, “Why me?” This book
can provide an explanation for many of them ... and can help
numerous women (and their daughters) to avoid this dreaded
disease. Many of the cases which will be diagnosed 10 to
50 years from today, are being induced
Preventing Breast Cancer led to Dr. Gofman’s final
book, not yet well known. He thought only time would tell if it
was his most important contribution to human health or not. The
1999 medical monograph is titled:
Radiation from Medical
Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease:
Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000
The complete books is
available online in
PDF format with ”Section One - Orientation, Materials, Methods“
also in hypertext.
In his last study, Dr. Gofman tackled an ostensibly impossible
scientific problem: How to make a reality check on the
comfortable assumption that medical x-rays have been a trivial
cause of cancer, when no records exist of accumulated lifetime
x-ray doses for even a single person. He considered it a very important
task, not only because of the warning from his 1995
investigation, but because medical x-rays are several times more
powerful as a mutagen, per unit of energy delivered to human
tissue, than such common nuclear pollutants as cesium-137. And
medical x-rays had been in very widespread use in the U.S. since
The book is organized around two hypotheses:
Medical radiation is a highly important cause
(probably the principal cause) of cancer mortality in the United
States during the Twentieth Century. Medical radiation means,
primarily, exposure by xrays (including fluoroscopy and CT scans).
Medical radiation, received even at very low and moderate
doses, is an important cause of death from Ischemic Heart Disease; the
probable mechanism is radiation-induction of mutations in the coronary
arteries, resulting in dysfunctional clones (mini-tumors) of smooth muscle
Speaking about this in a presentation made to Marin Breast Cancer
Watch in 1999, Dr. Gofman clarified the meaning of the word
People often hear of the term hypothesis and think that,
‘Oh it’s just hypothetical.’ These are
totally different concepts. Hypotheses are just
speculation if they’re not backed up by any evidence.
But when hypotheses, such as these, are backed up by the
evidence, then that becomes the very essence of scientific
knowledge and medical progress. And there is a mountain of
evidence in my new work which supports both of the hypotheses
that are on the front cover of this
[Executive Summary].
The first hypothesis on the cover is that medical radiation
is a highly important cause of cancer mortality in the United
States. And the new evidence strongly supports the estimate
that over half of all the cancer deaths in the United
States would be absent in the absence of accumulated exposure
to medical radiation.[69]
Writing in the year following the book’s publication,
Dr. Gofman described its method of evaluating
Two Totally
You can hardly imagine my joy when finally I figured out a way to
evaluate the impact of medical radiation upon cancer mortality in
the USA, from two databases which I could totally trust to
be unbiased with respect to the topic.
Because medical xray doses were not measured in the past, and are
rarely measured today, both past and current dose-estimates are
highly uncertain. But we recognized that the problem (of
estimating the impact of medical radiation on national
age-adjusted cancer mortality-rates) might be solved by using
data which are available—namely, the number of
Physicians per 100,000 Population (“PhysPop”) in each
of the nation’s Nine Census Divisions.
Physicians (not patients) order xray procedures. As the density
of physicians goes up per 100,000 population, more xrays will be
ordered per 100,000 population. This common-sense premise is
supported by surveys reported in 1988. In each Census Division,
the population’s average per-capita xray dose will be
approximately proportional to the Census Division’s PhysPop value
for the same year.
Thus, the nine PhysPop values are a valid indicator of the
relative magnitude of annual per-capita xray dosage
received by the nine populations of the nation’s Nine Census
Divisions. However, we had to ascertain that PhysPop would be a
valid indicator of accumulated per-capita xray doses, not
just the doses received in a single year. It turns out that the
relative magnitude of PhysPop values was remarkably
stable, among the Nine Census Divisions, from 1921 to
Because we were able to use the PhysPop database for dose, we are
totally confident that we have been able to use data which are
absolutely free from bias with respect to xray dose. After all,
the PhysPop values in every state were collected and published
from 1921 to the present day by the American Medical Association,
for completely different purposes. The AMA statisticians clearly
had no idea that anyone would ever use the PhysPop values to
evaluate the impact of medical radiation upon cancer mortality,
by Census Divisions.
In addition, we are totally confident that the mortality rates by
Census Divisions, collected for Vital Statistics by the U.S.
Government, also are absolutely free from bias with
respect to whether medical xrays have a big or a small impact on
cancer mortality, by Census Divisions.
These two databases permit our study to begin in 1940, by
“enrolling” all 150 million inhabitants of our Nine
Census Divisions into the study. (The study ends in 1990, when
the combined population was 247 million.) By contrast,
A-Bomb Study has about 90,000 participants—which severely
limits its power to discern provable differences between
Our PhysPop study is probably the largest, statistically
strongest, prospective study of radiation health-effects ever
done—and it was done with assuredly neutral data. One should
go where the trustworthy data are, and we did.
Our PhysPop study revealed not only that medical xrays are an
extremely important cause of the nation’s past and present cancer
mortality, but it produced the first powerful evidence that
ionizing radiation is also an extremely important cause of the
other biggest killer in the nation: Ischemic/Coronary
Heart Disease.
To assume that these striking findings are irrelevant to issues
of nuclear pollution, because the insights derive from medical
xrays, would be a serious mistake
(Part 4,
above). It would be self-defeating to ignore
undeniably strong findings from any immense, neutral, highly
credible database—in favor of perpetual dependence on
marginal findings from the A-Bomb Survivor Database, the nuclear
worker databases, and other databases with unreliable
dose-estimates, retroactively altered input, and pro-nuclear
It would make good sense to avoid an exercise in
self-defeat. The stakes for posterity are very high.
Dr. Gofman repeatedly emphasized that recognition of the aggregate
consequences of individually small risks was critical in assessing
the severity of health consequences from the sources of nuclear
pollution. The following, from his 1990 monograph,
Cancer, reflects the understanding regarding the de minimis
policy expressed in The Law of Concentrated Benefit over Diffuse
Injury (above).
“De Minimis” — Beyond Radiation:
Many people have observed that human nature
incorporates some contradictory tendencies. It seems
contradictory to me that, on the one hand, there is a
readiness to inflict cancer-death on undetectable
victims who will not be noticed, while there is a
competing tendency which causes some people in
Oakland, California, to risk their own lives on an
unstable structure and work themselves to exhaustion
following the October 1989 earthquake, just on the very
slim chance that they might save one life from under
the collapsed freeway.
People of goodwill need to look closely at the aggregate
consequences of individually small risks. If pollution
sources of all types are regulated individually, and each
is allowed under the “de minimis” concept to
kill one person in 100,000 (a low individual risk), then
only 10,000 sources could kill up to one tenth of the
population. And no one would ever be able to prove
The awareness that each bit of additional radiation dose, no
matter how small, does matter, counters the de minimis
mindset the majority of medical radiologists are caught in.
The contribution Radiation from Medical Procedures can
yet make to prevention of needless additional cancer induction
and heart disease is of great and lasting health potential and
significance. From Chapter 1:
10e. A Mountain of Solid Evidence That Each Dose Matters
The fact, that xray doses are so seldom measured, reflects the
false assumption that such doses do not matter. This monograph
has presented a mountain of solid evidence that they do matter,
enormously. And each bit of additional dose matters, because
any xray photon may be the one which sets in motion the
high-speed high-energy electron which causes a carcinogenic or
atherogenic mutation. Such mutations rarely disappear. The
higher their accumulated number in a population, the higher will
be the population’s mortality-rates from radiation-induced
Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease.
The xray is a proven mutagen and a proven cause of Cancer, and
the evidence in this book strongly indicates that it is also a
very important cause of Cancer and a very important atherogen.
From the existing evidence, it is clear that average per patient
doses from diagnostic and interventional radiology could be
reduced by a great deal without reducing the medical benefits of
the procedures in any way
(Part 9, above):
Same procedures, at
lower doses. Unless effective measures are taken, to eliminate
uselessly high dosage, medical radiation will continue in the
next century to be a leading cause of Cancer and Ischemic Heart
Disease in the United States, and will become a leading cause in
the “developing” world,
Also in the first chapter of this, his final book, Dr. Gofman sums
up his enduring commitment to the oath he took as a physician.
I have spent a lifetime studying the causes of Ischemic Heart Disease, and
Cancer, in order to help prevent such diseases. So it would be pure
hypocrisy for me to feign a lack of interest in any preventive action
which would be both safe and benign. And when sources, completely
independent from me, set forth their findings that such action is readily
feasible—namely, significant dose-reduction in diagnostic and
interventional radiology—it would be worse than silly for me to pretend
that I have no idea what action should occur. After all, as a physician, I
took the Hippocratic Oath: “First, do no harm.” Silence would
contribute to the harm of millions of people.
Dr. Gofman produced a wealth of papers, articles, and books on the
health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Through his
independent research he created an invaluable library of facts,
cogent analysis, and insights to assist individuals and groups in
the prevention of cancer, leukemias, genetic mutations,
inherited afflictions, genomic instability, birth defects
and malformations from ionizing radiation;
the prevention of additional nuclear pollution of the planet;
and countering the unrealistic information provided
by some other sources.
Beginning as a graduate student in the Plutonium Project, his
experiences gave him an applied understanding of the chemistry of
artificial radioactivity. His innovative research into lipoproteins,
cardiology, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease and its
causes, treatments, and prevention resulted in the sorts of
breakthrough contributions acknowledged above.
Beginning in 1963, his second tenure at Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory afforded him ideal conditions for the highest quality
lab facility from which to pursue research into the health
effects of radiation and radionuclide release from weapons testing,
nuclear war, radioactivity in medicine, and nuclear power.
And when the results of his and Dr. Tamplin’s research led them
to conclude that radiation was much more dangerous than previously
understood, they did what Dr. Gofman had told Glenn Seaborg in
1963: “We’ll investigate these problems, but
you’re not going to get me to be silent and use the secrecy
stamp to keep something from surfacing that I think the public
ought to know.” Gofman’s recollection in 1973 about
initially going public affirmed his remaining true to announcing
what the public ought to know.
We presented this [1969 paper on
“Low Dose Radiation, Chromosomes, and Cancer”]
in a totally low-key manner
on an invitational paper at the Institute for Electrical and
Electronic Engineers just thinking that people involved in the
radiation field should know that radiation was much more
hazardous with respect to cancer than it had been thought to
While the two men did not anticipate the firestorm that would
confront them by fulfilling their commitment to public health
and the public’s right to know, once the battle was engaged
they did not shrink from the ethical duty it required of them.
Dr. Gofman was the most engaged when he was able to conduct
research in the laboratory.
As he said in Nuclear Witnesses when initially asked by
John Foster to come back to Livermore in 1963,
I’m perfectly happy in Berkeley. I’ve got my research.
I’m up to my neck in my trace element research. I’ve
gone down from having to supervise fifty people in my heart disease
project to where I now have three people working with me. And
it’s just the way I like to work. I can be in the lab, and I
don’t have to think about administrative
Egan O’Connor worked with Dr. Gofman as his assistant
from 1970 until his death in 2007. Recently she shared the following
regarding the duty he felt he had to fulfill.
JWG confirmed many times privately the fact that he would
have much preferred to stay in the lab and continue cutting edge
research, than to become a crusader and to use the crude tool of
epidemiology forevermore. But it was a duty—to check out
the claims of “trivial harm” from the permissible
dose-level. Before the 1969 IEEE paper, he did not dismiss
that as possibly being true. His 1969 IEEE paper assessed all the
existing but thin human evidence, which existed only on a
few cancers. It did not exist for heart disease or heritable
afflictions at that time. The causes of heritable afflictions
were not even well understood. Nor was the role of mutations well
Not long after giving his paper at the IEEE symposium Gofman
was interviewed by Anna Mayo of the Village Voice in
Although others had already written books against
nuclear power,[77]
she considered October 1969 to be the birth of the movement to
stop nuclear power, because of Dr. Gofman’s extraordinary
scientific credentials. Before 1970, he was already under heavy
attack by the Atomic Energy Commission and by many of the other
radiation experts it was funding. Anna asked him why he had not
kept quiet. She recalled later that he shrugged and replied,
“This nuclear thing, it was a stone that fell in my path,
and so before I could go on I had to kick it out of the
Dr. Gofman’s legacy of published works is a testament to
and confirmation of his receiving the Gold-Headed Cane Award
in 1946
for personifying the qualities of “a true
physician” upon obtaining his M.D. degree from USCF.
At the time he began his early research in 1947 at the Donner
Laboratory at UCB, he already had the idea that the two big
problems in medicine are cancer and heart
As he said to Leslie Freeman, “If it’s not something
really new and unknown, it’s not something I want to
Dr. John Gofman’s interest in exploring the unknown has
contributed much to what we as a species now understand and must
address regarding further exposure to low-level ionizing
radiation. The following exemplifies this, his dedication
to public health protection and the right to know.
There Is No Safe Dose of Radiation. There Is No Safe Threshold.
In a 1994 interview with the UCSF student newspaper, synapse,
Dr. Gofman reviewed what would constitute a safe level of exposure
to radiation.
How would a safe level of radiation come about? It could come
about in theory if the biological repair mechanisms—which
exist and which will repair DNA and chromosomes—work
perfectly. Then a low dose of radiation might be totally
repaired. The problem, though, is that the repair mechanisms
don’t work perfectly. There are those lesions in DNA and
chromosomes that are unrepairable. There are those where the
repair mechanisms don’t get to the site and so they go
unrepaired. And there are those lesions where the repair
mechanisms simply cause misrepair. We can say that between 50
and 90 percent of the damage done by ionizing radiation is
repaired perfectly. What we are then seeing is harm done by the
residual 10 or 40 or 50 percent that is not repaired perfectly.
Gofman is summarizing what he details concerning these three forms
of genetic damage in
Part 2,
“A Troublesome Trio: Unrepaired, Unrepairable, Misrepaired
Injuries,” of
Chapter 18, “Disproof of
Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate of Ionizing Radiation, with Respect to
Induction of Cancer in Humans,” from
Cancer From Low-Dose Exposure. In the interview he goes on to
provide a distillation of how there cannot be a safe dose of radiation.
[I]onizing radiation is not like a poison out of a bottle where
you can dilute it and dilute it. The lowest dose of ionizing
radiation is one nuclear track through one cell. You can’t
have a fraction of a dose of that sort. Either a track goes
through the nucleus and affects it, or it doesn’t. So I
said ‘What evidence do we have concerning one, or two or
three or four or six or 10 tracks?’ And I came up with
studies of cancer being produced where we’re dealing with
up to maybe eight or 10 tracks per cell. Four involved breast
cancer. With those studies, as far as I’m concerned,
it’s not a question of ‘We don’t know.’
The DOE has never refuted this evidence. They just ignore it,
because it’s inconvenient. We can now [in 1994] say,
there cannot be
a safe dose of radiation. There is no safe threshold. If
this truth is known, then any permitted radiation is a permit to
Containment of N-Power Radiation Release
and Cancer-Risk From Low-Dose Exposure
The following comprises the end of
Chapter 25,
Main Text: A Closing Statement,
7: Practical Impacts on Human Health, from
Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure. The first part is an
instance of the simple logic Gofman expressed in his writings.
Chernobyl had occurred only 4 years prior to the publication of this
monograph. The final segment once more emphasizes the critical
necessity to determine “the correct evaluation of cancer-risk
from low-dose exposure” and how this “necessarily
affects the decisions which will determine the ultimate and
aggregate levels of radioactive pollution, everywhere, from
current and contemplated nuclear activities worldwide.”
One Part in a Thousand?
It may sound like a trifle to put only one part per thousand of a
poison into the environment, but we will show what one part per
thousand means with respect to radioactive cesium.
The cesium-137 produced each year by a 1000-megawatt (electrical)
nuclear power plant amounts to nearly 4 million curies. Since
its radioactive half-life is 30.2 years, very little of it decays
during a year.
The Chernobyl reactor contained a two-year cesium-inventory of
about 8 million curies. Recent estimates are that the Chernobyl
reactor released about 2.5 million curies of cesium-137, which is
equivalent to (2.5 / 4.0) or 62.5 % of a one-year
Now let us consider 100 large nuclear power plants each operating
in the USA for a lifespan of about 25 years each. Call
“A” the yearly cesium-137 production by one plant.
Then 100A = the yearly production by 100 plants. Lifetime
production = 25 yrs x 100A/year = 2,500A. 99.9 % containment =
release of 1 part per 1,000. With 99.9 % perfect containment,
loss = 2.5A. Chernobyl lost 0.625A. The ratio of 2.5A and 0.625A
is 4.0.
This ratio, 4, has an enormous meaning. It means that achieving
99.9 % perfect containment of the cesium-137 produced by
100 plants during 25 years of operation, through all steps of the
cesium’s handling up through final burial, would
still result in cesium-137 contamination equivalent in
curies to 4 Chernobyl accidents.
Worldwide, there are about 400 plants underway, so the same
scenario (99.9 % perfection in containing cesium) would mean
cesium-loss equivalent to 16 Chernobyl accidents per 25 years of
operation. And this assault on human health could occur without
blowing the roof off any single plant.
Best Estimates ... Semi-Prudence :
The stakes in the correct evaluation of cancer-risk from low-dose
exposure extend far beyond one spectacular accident like
Chernobyl. Not only do such evaluations affect hundreds of
millions of medical and dental patients, and millions of
occupationally exposed workers, but correct evaluation
necessarily affects the decisions which will determine the
ultimate and aggregate levels of radioactive pollution,
everywhere, from current and contemplated nuclear activities
It is possible that new evidence developing in the future will
show that our estimates in this book, of cancer-risk from
low-dose, low-LET ionizing radiation, are too high—and it
is equally possible that new evidence will show that our
estimates are too low. In other words, there is as much chance
that sampling variation and forecasting are producing
underestimates of hazard as overestimates.
Pending future evidence, it is scientifically appropriate to
produce and disseminate the best risk-estimates which come from
the available human epidemiological evidence of good quality.
But we will repeat a warning.
What is scientifically appropriate behavior is only
semi-prudent with regard to public health protection. True
prudence with respect to human health would require the operating
assumption that current uncertainties in sampling and forecasting
are causing us to underestimate the real risk.
Doubling of the Background Dose of Radiation:
The Greatest Imaginable Crime Against Humanity
The following, from
“A Wake-Up
Call for Everyone Who Dislikes Cancer and Inherited
Afflictions,” was published by CNR in
Its continued relevance concerning the dangers from further increases
of low dose radiation exposure by official rulings is of concern
to all. Raising levels of “permissible” radiation
exposure limits, as are now occurring in the U.S. and
is an indicator of how desparate the nuclear industry is to
justify further radiological contamination of the biosphere.
In this morality play, “the economy” once more
trumps health and well-being of all living systems on Earth.
Today, a growing number of people associated with the
nuclear and medical industries assert, falsely, “there is no
evidence that exposure to low-dose radiation causes any
cancer—the risk is only theoretical,”
or the risk is “utterly
negligible,” or “the accidental
exposures were below the safe
level,” and even “there is reasonably good evidence that
exposure to low-dose radiation is beneficial and lowers the
cancer rate.”...
We and others have refuted the [above denial group]’s false
claims in detail, elsewhere (for example,
Gofman 1990,
Baverstock 1991,
Ward 1991,
NRPB 1995,
Gofman 1996,
Pierce 1996—see
Reference List).
And the work which refutes the claims of the radiation enthusiasts,
has not been refuted by them. They just don’t mention it.
By any reasonable standard of scientific proof, the
weight of the human evidence shows decisively that cancer is
inducible by ionizing radiation even at the lowest possible
dose and dose-rate—which means that the risk is not
“theoretical.” Therefore, we know that harm to human health
will be immense, if the false claims about safety or benefit
prevail and exposures rise....
Personal Risks vs Large National Rates
The fact, so seldom explained by radiation enthusiasts
and so often stressed in our
publications, is that extra
exposure of a population to low-dose radiation creates only a
small risk per individual, but it creates a real rate (not a
“maybe”) of fatal radiation-induced cancer for the
For example: In 1990, the government-sponsored
Report (p.172) estimated that if the population received an
extra 100 milli-rems of dose every year (approximately equivalent
to doubling the natural “background” rate), the dose-increment
would induce extra cancer fatality in one out of every 400 people
per lifetime (details available in
1995, Pt.3).
Per newborn individual, the extra lifetime risk
would be 1 chance in 400—perhaps a “negligible” personal
risk in some people’s opinion. The same estimate translates
into a lifetime rate of 650,000 extra fatal radiation-induced
cancers for a population of 260 million persons (USA). Our
own 1990 estimate (Gofman
Table 16-C) is
about 7.6 times higher: 4,940,000 extra fatal cancers—1 person in every
Nonetheless, many radiation enthusiasts are arguing that the
consequences of doubling the “background” dose would
be “negligible” or “non-existent” or maybe
“beneficial.” (For instance, see
Billen 1990, or
Graham 1996, or
Pomeroy 1996,
in the Reference List.)
By contrast, we and others find
evidence that there is no threshold dose for radiation-induced cancer.
And this finding very strongly supports the presumption that
inherited afflictions are also inducible by ionizing
radiation, even at the lowest possible dose and dose-rate.
In our own view, it is quite possible that a permanent
doubling of the “background” dose of ionizing radiation,
worldwide, would very gradually double mankind’s burden of
inherited afflictions—from mental handicaps to
predispositions to emotional disorders, cardio-vascular
diseases, cancers, immune-system disorders, and so forth.
Such a doubling would be the greatest imaginable crime against
A Nuclear Power Plant’s Radioactive Repository:
Equivalent to Thousands of Hiroshima Bombs
In a 1973 radio
Dr. Gofman explained in general terms, the scenario of what the
world witnessed with the hydrogen explosions and subsequent
triple-meltdowns at Fukushima beginning on March 11, 2011. As all
six reactors had come online by 1979 and had been operating for
three-plus decades, one can only imagine how much radioactive
inventory at a minimum was resident—in the spent fuel pools
as well as the reactor cores—when the three reactors overheated
and went critical. As described below, within a year or less for a
new power plant that started up in the 1970s, it would have had
within it, a repository of radioactivity equivalent to a thousand
Hiroshima Bombs.
But what you must understand is that a nuclear plant that’s
been operating—one of the large ones that’s being
built now—that’s been operating, say, for between
three months and a year, has within it, a repository of
radioactivity equivalent to that of approximately a thousand
Hiroshima bombs, the radioactivity of a thousand Hiroshima bombs.
Now very often the utilities industry in endeavoring to mis-state
the position of the critics—that the critics say the
nuclear power plant’s going to explode like an atomic bomb.
That isn’t so at all. The nuclear power plant won’t
explode like an atom bomb. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t
have to.
If a nuclear power plant should lose its cooling water, through
the action say, of a saboteur, an airplane crashing into the
cooling water, or failure of the cooling system, the nuclear
power plant will shut itself down. That sounds as though
everything is fine. But that’s where the trouble only
begins. Because there is so much contained radioactivity in there
that even after the plant shuts itself down the heat generated by
that radioactivity will heat up that nuclear power plant at a
rate of about 50 degrees per second. So it will very rapidly heat
itself up to several thousand degrees and everything in the core
of the reactor will melt and it will keep itself hot as a result
of the further radioactive decay.
The accident that this could cause has been named,
semi-facetiously, the China Syndrome. When asked why this is
called that, they said because the darned thing could melt itself
all the way through to China. Now in truth it won’t melt
all the way through to China. It’s estimated that it will
cool itself down and probably wouldn’t melt more than a
half a mile into the earth. The trouble is along the way
there’s water around and molten metal which is generating
hydrogen by reacting with water and hydrogen is explosive as you
know. So you have the probability of a chemical explosion of the
hydrogen and the steam, spewing radioactivity out of this plant.
Remember: the inventory at full operation is something of the
order of a thousand Hiroshima bombs-worth of radioactivity.
That’s such an astronomical amount of radioactivity that
it’s really just hard to contemplate what the numbers mean.
But I might put it this way. Now that we’re going ahead
building these nuclear power plants, 10 to 30 miles from major
metropolitan centers like New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and we
will in time build them close to Los Angeles, we now have a
situation, if one of these accidents occurs and the wind is
blowing in the right direction we can blanket a major city like
New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago—any one of
them—with radiation such that if the people stay there, for
12 hours or more, they’re going to accumulate a dose of
radiation in the neighborhood of several hundred of the radiation
units we call the RAD. That means that what you do in the event
of such a nuclear power plant failure is you must organize the
evacuation say of a city like Philadelphia or New York and get
the people out within say 6 to 10 hours because you can’t
afford to have them stay there 12 to 24 hours and get this fatal
It’s an interesting thing to contemplate how you’d
get everybody off the island of Manhattan at a given point when
there might be say 6 to 8 million people there and get them all
out—these refugees from radioactivity—inside of a few
hours. That’s in the short term.
Then even for those who get lower doses, perhaps they
haven’t been right in the cloud of a such a disaster; if
they get lower doses they may not show any injury acutely in
days, weeks, or months. As a matter of fact if you ask them how
they feel they’ll say, I feel fine. And they do. But what
they have now built into them is a new risk. Because for every
RAD that they accumulate of radiation, they’ve engendered
for themselves a two percent increase in the chance of developing
cancer between 5 and 30 years later.
So if you take a group of people, for example, who don’t
get enough radiation to die of acute radiation sickness, say they
get 50 RADs. They’re going to have 50 times 2 or 100
percent increase in their cancer occurrence rate between 5 and 30
years later. So that in this group of people for every person who
would die of cancer ordinarily, two will die of cancer or
The other thing that you do is approximately at the same rate,
about a two percent increase per RAD, you increase genetic
mutations. So the offspring of these people for generations will
suffer from the genetic diseases that can be caused by mutations.
So the cancer and genetic hazard are the prominent, important
late effects, the acute radiation sickness the early effect.
None of this occurs if everything goes perfectly. And what the
nuclear power people would have us believe is that all acts of
God will be avoided, no humans will ever make errors because
they’re infallible, all machinery will work perfectly under
all circumstances and there will be no failures of equipment
whatsoever, no airplanes will stray and crash, and there will be
no psychotics or saboteurs and no conventional, guerrilla, or
military activity.
Licensing A Nuclear Power Plant Is Licensing Random Premeditated Murder
Dr. Gofman’s 1980 description to Leslie Freeman
regarding the consequences of sanctioning nuclear power go to
the heart of this technology and its use for the purpose of making
Gofman has acknowledged in many statements, his own culpability,
along with “a lot of the atomic energy scientists in the late
fifties” of being candidates for Nuremberg trials for the
crime of experimentation without prior consent, as well as
irrevocably damaging the gene pool of future generations. As of yet
I am unaware of others admitting their own connivance in their past
promotion of atomic energy. In terms of being complicit, Dr. Gofman
did more in his life to warn people of the dangers of radiation
than most other scientists.
Licensing Murder
Licensing a nuclear power plant is in my view, licensing random
premeditated murder. First of all, when you license a plant, you
know what you’re doing—so it’s premeditated.
You can’t say, “I didn’t know.” Second,
the evidence on radiation-producing cancer is beyond doubt. [As
of 1980] I’ve worked fifteen years on it, and so have many
others. It is not a question any more: radiation produces cancer,
and the evidence is good all the way down to the lowest doses.
The only way you could license nuclear power plants and not have
murder is if you could guarantee perfect containment. But they
admit that they’re not going to contain it perfectly. They
allow workers to get irradiated, and they have an allowable dose
for the
So in essence I can figure out from their allowable amounts how
many they are willing to kill per year.
I view this as a disgrace, as a public health disgrace. The idea
of anyone saying that it’s all right to murder so many in
exchange for profits from electricity—or what they call
“benefits” from electricity—the idea that
it’s all right to do that is a new advance in depravity,
particularly since it will affect future generations.
You must decide what your views are on this: is it all right to
murder people knowingly? If so, why do you worry about homicide?
But if you say, “The number won’t be too large. We
might only kill fifty thousand—and that’s like
automobiles”—is that all right?
People have told me they agree with my calculations. One of the
associate directors at Livermore actually said to me,
“Jack, you have a right to calculate that thirty-two
thousand people would die from the standards we have in force.
What I don’t understand is why you think thirty-two
thousand a year is too many.”
“Look,” I said, “if I didn’t think
thirty-two thousand were too many I’d give up my medical
diploma saying I didn’t deserve it.”
He didn’t understand that.
People like myself and a lot of the atomic energy scientists in
the late fifties deserve Nuremberg trials. At Nuremberg we said
those who participate in human experimentation are committing a
crime. Scientists like myself who said in 1957, “Maybe
Linus Pauling is right about radiation causing cancer, but we
don’t really know, and therefore we shouldn’t stop
progress,” were saying in essence that it’s all right
to experiment. Since we don’t know, let’s go ahead.
So we were experimenting on humans, weren’t we? But once
you know that your nuclear power plants are going to release
radioactivity and kill a certain number of people, you are no
longer committing the crime of experimentation—you are
committing a higher crime. Scientists who support these nuclear
plants—knowing the effects of
radiation—don’t deserve trials for experimentation;
they deserve trials for murder.
Candidates For Nuremberg-Type Trails
For Crimes Against Humanity
Through Our Gross Negligence and Irresponsibility
In 1978, Dr. Gofman prepared a statement for the Cactus Alliance
in opposition to the Palo Verde nuclear power plant in
His candor in accepting personal responsibility for failure to
sound an alarm over atmospheric bomb testing and nuclear power
many years sooner than he did is of supreme significance. His
efforts to compensate for this lack of understanding—once
the sky did fall in on him and Dr. Tamplin from the AEC and the
nuclear power and electric utility industries beginning in
late 1969—reveal a profoundly more adaptable and engaged
intelligence and curiosity than perhaps he knew he possessed
before then.
Law vs. Justice
It is said that nuclear power plants can operate legally
simply because they are licensed to operate by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is
operating legally because Congress legislated it into
existence to issue such licenses. But what has all this to do
with justice and natural rights? Congress has no authority under
the Constitution to issue murder licenses. Moreover, Congress
could have no such authority, simply because one of the rights
protected by the Ninth Amendment is the natural right to
justice and to life.
That is my opinion, and it would not be altered one whit if there
were 100 decisions by the Supreme Court which stated that it is
permissible to murder people. There is a higher law.
It amazes me that people don’t seem to realize the implications
of permitting laws to be passed which violate justice and natural
rights. It amazes me especially since it is so soon after the
Nazi Holocaust and the Nuremberg Trials. In Nazi Germany the
rulers, as evil people as one can imagine, wished to carry out a
program of genocide. Because of the recognition that people
might object to such a gross violation of justice and
human rights, even the Nazis decided to make the process legal,
at least in part, by passing laws which permitted judges to send
people to their death with no justification at all other than a
Nazi-passed law.
At the Nuremberg Trials, the United States declared that this
sham of using “laws” to subvert justice
was a heinous crime, and we meted out severe sentences to judges
who had used the Nazi “laws” as a shield for the
crimes which they (the judges) committed on the bench.
If the Congress of the United States can permit the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission to deprive people of life without due
process of law, and if the Supreme Court turns its head from
realizing this, as it did in declaring the Price-Anderson Act to
be Constitutional, where are the guarantees that far worse
injustices and violations of human rights will not be carried
through in the future?
Personal Responsibility
In the USA, we have already accepted the policy of
experimentation on involuntary human subjects. Every year, we
introduce new chemical compounds of uncertain toxicity
into the workplace and the biosphere. In the mid-fifties—when
the toxicity of low-dose radiation was still uncertain—we
were testing nuclear bombs in the atmosphere and launching the
Atoms for Peace program.
It should have been clear to me, even then, that both atmospheric
bomb-testing and nuclear power constituted experimentation on
involuntary human subjects, indeed on all forms of life. Instead,
I am on record in 1957 as not being worried yet about
fallout, and still being optimistic about the benefits of nuclear
There is no way I can justify my failure to help sound an alarm
over these activities many years sooner than I did.
I feel that at least several hundred scientists trained in the
biomedical aspect of atomic energy—myself definitely
included—are candidates for Nuremberg-type trails for
crimes against humanity through our gross negligence and
I began working with Dr. John Gofman and Egan O’Connor in
1995 to create hypertext copy of a subset of his articles and his
books. The experience has been one of the high-water marks in this
life. As the work proceeded and more copy became digitally
available, I was especially struck by how gratified and
appreciative Dr. Gofman was in seeing his research, writings, and
conclusions gain a wider exposure through the internet—to
anyone anywhere on Earth who had access to a computer—than
he had imagined possible before that
Dr. Gofman’s findings as expressed in his published works
have had a significant influence on the medical and nuclear
industries, try as they have to ignore his conclusions. As Egan
O’Connor shared earlier this month, “Dr. Dan Hirsch of the
Committee to Bridge
the Gap, says, ‘Although the
BEIR Committee refused to include Gofman in its deliberations, he
was always the 900-pound gorilla in the room whenever they
Dr. Gofman became more and more focused on the consequences of
“average per patient radiation doses from diagnostic and
interventional radiology [and how they can] be reduced by a great
deal, without reducing the medical benefits of the procedures
in any way. The same procedures can be done
at substantially lower
Implementing standardized, measurable lowered dose levels provides
an immense benefit for reducing the chances of cancer induction
for millions of people without interfering with a single diagnostic
Ms. O’Connor again shared her insights regarding the
biggest hurdle to overcome amongst members of the medical community.
When others do not accept Gofman’s estimates about
medical radiation, it is mostly from their ignorance about the
widely acknowledged higher potency of medical x-rays compared
with A-bomb gammas, and their ignorance about the kind of doses
that were accumulated in the past from medical x-rays. Again and
again we hear, “75% cannot be true because we all receive
higher doses from natural background radiation than from medical
x-rays.” They are just plain and seriously and severely
wrong about that. The average whole-body accumulated dose grew
to many times the natural background dose
(Gofman 1999,
K). Acceptance of Gofman’s estimates about Chernobyl and
medical x-rays would be far greater if the skeptics would just
read what he produced.
But physicians certainly don’t want him to be correct.
They would not like to think how many deaths and miseries have
resulted from their ignorance. And the nuclear establishment
does not want him to be correct, because it dreadfully interferes
with their hopes, past and reviving, for plutonium economies here
and abroad.[91]
Dr. John Gofman was a pioneering medical physicist. Beginning in
1969 he became a highly effective and constructive critic of nuclear
energy and medical radiation practices. His analysis was based
upon his comprehensive understanding of the biological effects of
radiation exposure. His conclusion—supported by many written
works detailing his research step-by-step—that there is no
risk-free dose of exposure to ionizing radiation, has never been refuted
by the medical or nuclear industries. The response is to ignore
his work. And then there is the rest of humanity. To learn about
and share this written legacy, to educate ourselves and others,
serves Life’s needs here on Earth and gives significance
and purpose to our days.
“It is very often said that, if scientists advocate any [citizen] action
based on their findings, they undermine their scientific credibility....
I have spent a lifetime studying the causes of Ischemic Heart Disease, and
Cancer, in order to help prevent such diseases. So it would be pure
hypocrisy for me to feign a lack of interest in any preventive action
which would be both safe and benign. And when sources, completely
independent from me, set forth their findings that such action is readily
feasible—namely, significant dose-reduction in diagnostic and
interventional radiology—it would be worse than silly for me to pretend
that I have no idea what action should occur. After all, as a physician, I
took the Hippocratic Oath: “First, do no harm.” Silence would
contribute to the harm of millions of people.”
Born September 21, Cleveland, Ohio
B.A., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
Western Reserve Medical School
Plutonium Project Group Co-Leader for the Manhattan Project
at University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. Nuclear/Physical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
Research Associate in Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
M.D., University of California, San Francisco
Intern, Department of Medicine, University Hospital, UCSF
Assistant Professor of Medical Physics, UCB
Associate Professor of Medical Physics, UCB
Director, Medical Department, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Professor of Medical Physics, UCB
Founder and First Director of the Biomedical Research Division
of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California
Associate Director, Biology and Medicine,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California
Chairman, Committee for Nuclear Responsibility
Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology,
University of California at Berkeley
Professor Emeritus of Medical Physics, Donner
Laboratory, Division of Medical Physics, UCB
Glenn T. Seaborg, John W. Gofman, Raymond W. Stoughton: The slow and fast neutron fissionability of uranium-233, with its application to production of nuclear power or nuclear weapons.
John W. Gofman, Robert E. Connick, Arthur C. Wahl: The sodium uranyl acetate process for the separation of plutonium in irradiated fuel from uranium and fission products.
Robert E. Connick, John W. Gofman, George C. Pimentel: The columbium oxide process for the separation of plutonium in irradiated fuel from uranium and fission products.
Honors and Awards:
Gold-Headed Cane Award,
Presented to Graduating Senior in Medicine,
University of California Medical School, for personifying qualities of a
true physician.
Modern Medicine Award,
for outstanding contributions to heart disease research.
The Lyman Duff Lectureship Award of the American Heart Association
for research in atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
The Stouffer Prize,
shared $50,000 prize and Gold Medal for
outstanding contributions to research in arteriosclerosis.
American College of Cardiology, Selection as
one of 25
leading cardiology researchers of the past quarter-century.
Right Livelihood Award,
"for pioneering work in exposing the
health effects of low-level radiation" and "for vision and work
forming an essential contribution to making life more whole,
healing our planet, and uplifting humanity."
Approximately 150 scientific publications in leading scientific
journals encompassing the following fields;
Lipoproteins, Atherosclerosis, and Coronary Heart Disease.
Ultracentrifugal Discovery and Analysis of the Serum Lipoproteins.
Characterization of Familial Lipoprotein Disorders.
The Determination of Trace Elements by X-ray Spectrochemical Analysis.
The Relationship of Human Chromosomes to Cancer.
The Lung Cancer Hazard of Plutonium.
Problems Associated with Nuclear Power Production.
The Biological and Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation, With
Particular Reference to Cancer, Leukemia and Genetic Diseases
From Radionuclides and X-ray Sources.
Prevention and Treatment of Heart Disease with Alex V Nichols &
E Virginia Dobbin (1958)
What We Do Know About Heart Attacks (1958)
Heart Disease (1959)
Specific Common Chromosomal Pathway for the Origin
of Human Malignancy with Jason L Minkler; Robert K Tandy;
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory. Bio-medical Division (1967)
Control Through Nuclear Pollution,
by Arthur R Tamplin & John Gofman (1970)
Poisoned Power, The Case
Against Nuclear Power Plants Before and After Three Mile Island,
with Arthur R. Tamplin, Ph.D (1971-1979)
An Irreverent, Illustrated View of Nuclear Power: A Collection of Talks,
from Blunderland to Seabrook IV (1979)
Some Medical Causes And Consequences Of Nuclear War: How
Physicians Might Help To Prevent Nuclear War (1980 or 1981)
And Human Health (1981)
Health Effects of Common Exams, with Egan O’Connor (1985)
Cancer From Low-Dose Exposure: A Independent Analysis (1990)
Accident: Radiation Consequences for This and Future
Generations (in Russian, 1994)
Preventing Breast Cancer:
The Story Of A Major, Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease (1995-1996)
Radiation from Medical Procedures
in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease: Dose-Response
Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population (1999)
“I had made one mistake. If the Department of Energy or the AEC
gives you money on a sensitive subject, they don’t mean for you to
take the job seriously. They need you—with your scientific
prestige—so they can point to you. "We have so and so studying the
problem." Studying the problem is marvelous. But if you want the
money and the continued support, you should go fishing or play golf.
My mistake was I discovered something.”
—John Gofman, in Nuclear Witnesses: Insiders Speak Out,
by Leslie Freeman, W.W. Norton, 1981, p. 106.