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The Fourth Reich in U.S. America Conference, 1988

Pat Cary: Hello, my name is Pat Cary. I am here to give a brief introduction to the speakers at our symposium, which is titled, The Fourth Reich in America.

These are speakers from diverse backgrounds, from all over the United States, some of whom have been doing independent research for from seventeen to twenty years. Most of their material comes from the public domain, from newspapers, books, films, and documents such as the twenty-six volumes of the Warren report (very few sets of which were printed at all). They have devoted endless hours of hard work, reading voluminously, putting together facts from their own observations, piecing together relevant materials, observing similarities and apparent coincidences in the many murders and cover-ups over the years. They are a group of intelligent Americans who have come to independent conclusions, which present a truer picture of what actually happened than the scattered articles from newspapers from all over the country, most of which are controlled by vast networks and syndicates. As John Judge says, "When the wire services came in, during the early fifties, the actual power over thousands of newspapers in the United States fell into the hands of five or six people at the top. Honest, competitive journalism ceased to be, at that point."

They are completely unpaid, self-supported by various jobs. No big oil companies, no multinational corporations hired them, nobody owns them. They are independent citizens coming from their various parts of the country, and their various life's experiences, with the common bond of an intense curiosity to learn the truth. Sometimes they are friends, and like each other. Sometimes they don't. It doesn't matter.

This is what America is, or was supposed to be about. I am proud to know them.

I recently visited San Francisco City College and saw the magnificent Diego Rivera mural on the wall there. In one part of the painting, he did a portrait of Thomas Jefferson holding a piece of paper in his hand. It said, "What country can preserve it's liberties if it's rulers are not warned from time to time that the people preserve the spirit of resistance? . . . Let them take arms. What signify a few lives lost? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." (1776).

Another paper held by Lincoln said, "And that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." Check the allegations of the possibility of voting fraud with the new computer systems of counting votes. Mr. Harry McGuire could tell you more about that. Buy his tape.

I.F. Stone, great newspaper man, in an interview by Larry Bensky in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, April 27, '88, said, "This business of secret organizations and classified information is a cancer on a free society. There's never been a government that didn't have a few secret agents, or a president that didn't have personal or private agents, but to institutionalize it, to create a huge apparatus . . . Truman said he never intended the National Security Council to engage in covert activities, to do dirty tricks all over the world, to engage in law-breaking and assassinations and all kinds of moral crimes on the basis that the ends justify the means. I think it's important to recognize the power of institutions once they get started, irrespective of who the president is. Either they're moving or they're standing still, but it's hard to move them, or it's hard to stop them."

I, personally, think that intelligence agencies is a misnomer. It is not intelligent to spread unspeakable cruelty all over the world, in the name of the American people, most of whom don't know anything about what's going on. Carl Sagan said, after the television film Holocaust, "The American people are sleepwalking." I think it's time we woke up.

And last, I'd like to give a tribute to Mae Brussell. She inspired John Judge and Dave Emory to begin their research, 17 years ago. She began hers two days after Kennedy was killed, and she hasn't quit yet. She's a great woman. Now she has cancer. And a death threat in L.A. Five children. Wonderful human being.

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