Editor’s Note: This is a mirror of the source at
https://www.transbay.net/~nessie/Pages/fourth.reich.htm. The author of this is someone calling themself
nessie. In the following files the title of the conference is framed as “The Fourth Reich in U.S. America”. This modification is informed by the conclusion of the
Author’s Note in Dunbar-Ortiz’s
An Indigenous People’s History of the United States:
I also refrain from using “America” and
“American” when referring only to the United States
and its citizens. Those blatantly imperialistic terms annoy
people in the rest of the Western Hemisphere, who are, after all,
also Americans. I use “United States” as a noun and
“US” as an adjective to refer to the country and
“US Americans” for its citizens.
The Fourth Reich in America
Conference held in San Francisco, 16 July 1988
This is the transcript of The Fourth Reich in America conference which was held in San Francisco in 1988. It was organized by yours truly and some of my friends and acquaintances. About three hundred people attended. Panel discussions included:
The speakers, organizers and participants of the conference encompass a wide range of political persuasions: Republican, Democrat, Independent, Socialist, Anarchist, et al. The Fourth Reich has many enemies. Join us, that together we can excise this malignant tumor from humanity’s body politic.