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The Bullet Holes in the
The simplest and perhaps most elegant proof of conspiracy which demolishes the Warren Report involves a correlation of what the Warren Commission claimed was the path of Commission exhibit #399, the “magic bullet,” with the holes in the back of the President’s jacket and shirt. Contradicting the Commission’s claim that a bullet entered the back of the President’s neck are the positions of two overlapping bullet holes, one five and three-eighths inches down from the collar line of the back of the President’s suit jacket, the evidence, reproduced below, appeared in the FBI’s Supplemental Report to the Warren Commission of January 13, 1964. This Supplemental Report, as well as the initial FBI Summary Report of December 9, 1963, did not appear in the 26 volumes of Warren Commission exhibits. Two encounters that defenders of the Warren Report had over this issue speak volumes. Arlen Specter Really Doesn’t Remember Vincent Salandria very early alerted Gaeton Fonzi to the jacket and shirt issue, so that Fonzi was prepared to explore the issue when he held a taped interview with the former Warren Commission Counsel Arlen Specter, now Senator Arlen Specter, the author of the “magic bullet theory.” In The Last Investigation, Fonzi reports the encounter which occurred about a year after Specter completed his work for the Commission.
At one point Fonzi asks Specter to explain how holes down in the back of the President’s shirt and jacket could have been caused by a bullet entering the back of his neck: Specter: Well, that difference is accounted for because the President was waving his arm. (He got up from his desk and attempted to demonstrate his explanation on me, pulling my arm up high over my head.) Wave your arm a few times, wave at the crowd. (He was standing behind me now, jabbing a finger into the base of my neck.) Well, see, if the bullet goes in here, the jacket gets hunched up. If you take this point right here and then you strip the coat down, it comes out at a lower point. The Evening the Government Refused to Get Dressed The problem of the position of the bullet holes in the jacket and shirt were also the source of consternation for another Warren Report defender, Professor Jacob Cohen, from Brandeis University, who found himself in the company of Vincent Salandria in a panel discussion/debate sponsored by the Universalist Unitarian Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in December of 1966. In the midst of the discussion that evening, in which Cohen was attempting to defend, the “single bullet theory,” Salandria pulled out of his briefcase a shirt and jacket with holes positioned in the same location as they had been in Kennedy’s jacket and shirt. Moving toward Cohen with the shirt and jacket, Salandria handed him the clothes and urged him to put the clothes on and demonstrate to the audience just how the government believed it was possible to get that shirt and jacket to ride up as they claimed it had. Much to the amusement of the audience, Cohen responded by hurling the clothes back at Salandria. It seems the “government” preferred not to get dressed in its fallen emperor’s clothes. |