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Appendix IV

Internal Data on the United States
Government’s Immediate Reaction
to the Assassination

by E. Martin Schotz

The following appendix provides an analysis of important internal data concerning the U.S. government’s immediate response to the Assassination. It includes two memoranda from Nicholas Katzenbach, then assistant to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, which document the fact that within three days of the assassination, the Justice Department had made the decision to cooperate in the cover-up. Also of interest are a series of letters which grew out of the revelation by Theodore H. White that on the flight back to Washington, President Johnson, aboard Air Force One, was informed that Oswald had been arrested and that there was no conspiracy. White confirmed this revelation, giving additional information, but Salandria met with a wall of resistance in his attempt to obtain a copy of the tape recorded communications between Air Force One and the White House on that flight.

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