Wupatki Pueblo,
Wupatki Monument, Arizona

At its peak of occupation during the 1100s, the Wupatki Pueblo, three stories high in places,
contained almost 100 rooms and housed possibly as many as 200 people.
The photogs below were imaged in the late morning, on October 25th, 1990.

near the entrance to the site, facing almost due north
to the approximately 50 foot diameter amphitheatre and outlying building

2. 3.
facing west to Wupatki pueblo and, . . . moving west, looking north (amphitheatre in 1 at right)

looking into the outlying house visible in the upper center of 1

5. 6.
moving maybe 10 paces down the trail from 4 looking back, and looking at the far side

quoting from the 7/93 trail guide:
The Sinaguan (Spanish for "without water") people made the most of their natural surroundings as is shown by the way the rock outcrop is incorporated into the building's construction. In addition to providing a solid foundation to build upon and against, the rock mass acted as a passive solar heat source. Heat from the sun, absorbed in the daytime, helped warm the rooms through the night.

the steady river of air blowing out through this portal only hinted at what lay within
(the attempt was made to move in close enuff for the sign to be legible, but . . . )


This blowhole is one of several openings to a series of underground cracks and caves in this area. The system of cracks has a minimum volume of seven billion cubic feet -- equivalent to one room a mile square by 28 stories high! At different times of the day you can hear air rushing through the vent.

Changes in air pressure at the surface make the blowholes blow. Daily warming and cooling of the air, thunderstorms, and weather fronts all affect the air pressure. Usually air flows into the vent in the night and early morning and out during the afternoon -- sometimes at 30 miles per hour!

Cool, Heavy Air
pressure lower than at surface, so air rushes in

Warm, Light Air
pressure higher than at surface, so air rushes out

entry to the restored (as opposed to "stabilized") oval masonry ring, conjectured to be

a "ball court" indicating cultural influences from peoples in Mexico and Central America.

on the far side of the oval, facing back up to the outlying building on the rise and,

another look back into the oval ring before returning up to the Wupatki Pueblo.

12. 13.
looking north along the west side of Wupatki, . . . and moving east and facing N-W-N

14. 15.
moving further to the southeast facing more west, and looking west from the east side of the Pueblo.

a group of children has gathered in the amphitheatre to listen to a park ranger

turning around from 16, facing south along the east side of Wupatki Pueblo

Wukoki Pueblo Lomaki Pueblo



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