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Index for
rat haus reality
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rat haus reality
- Deadly Deceit, Afterword and Methodological Appendix
(ASCII text)
- Deadly Deceit, Low-Level Radiation, High-Level Coverup: Overview
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- Deadly Deceit Silent Summer
(ASCII text)
- Deadly Deceit review of BEIR V (1990)
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- Deadly Deceit, Chapter 11: It's Not Too Late
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- George Bush, Jr., September 11th and the Rule of Law from The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence, by Francis Boyle, 2/1/02
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gzip'd PostScript | ASCII text)
- Hau de no sau nee Address to the Western World, Geneva, 1977:
- Krishnamurti on Effort, observing what is
- Krishnamurti: "A dialogue with oneself"
- Krishnamurti on Self-Knowledge
- Krishnamurti on Contradiction
- Nuclear Radiation and its Biological Effects, PART I, The Problem, from No Immediate Danger, Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth
- Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 2, Rosalie Bertell, Mathematician and Medical Researcher, by Leslie J. Freeman, 1981
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- Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 3, Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass, Physicist, by Leslie J. Freeman, 1981
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- Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 4, John Gofman, Medical Physicist, by Leslie J. Freeman, 1981
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- Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease: Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., Edited by Egan O'Connor, (1999, 699 pages)
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Executive Summary
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Title Page
The Author's History
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
Chapter 1: Executive Summary of This Book
Chapter 2: Pre-1960 and Post-1960 Uses of Medical Radiation, and Its Carcinogenic Action
Chapter 3: PhysPops --- The Doses in Some Massive Studies of Dose-Response
Chapter 4: Mortality Rates --- The Responses in the Dose-Response Studies
Chapter 5: Dose-Response, Linear Regression, and Some Other Key Concepts in Our Analyses
Reference List
Index and Glossary
Ordering Information for the Executive Summary and the Book
One Easy and Important Step You Can Take Toward Avoiding Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease: An Affordable Summary of New Evidence about X-Rays, 2/00
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Are X-Ray Procedures Equivalent, in Extra Radiation Dose, To Taking an Airplane Trip?, 2/28/00
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RAMP Addition-1: "Expectations", 2/19/00
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RAMP Addition-2: "Causation", 2/25/00
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RAMP Addition-3: "Atherogenic Mutations", 3/9/00
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RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY: #693: The Major Cause of Cancer -- Part 3, 4/20/00
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- Sea Energy Agriculture, Dr. Maynard Murray (1976)
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Chapter 2: Planned Food Pollution
Chapter 8: In Conclusion
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rat haus reality
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ratville times
rat haus gallery
many worlds