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Index for
rat haus reality
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rat haus reality
Committee For Nuclear Responsibility
- Answers to Frequently-Asked-Questions about "Radiation" -- Fall, 1996
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- "Asleep at the Wheel": The Special Menace of Inherited Afflictions from Ionizing Radiation, Fall, 1998
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- Beware the Data Diddlers, by Dr. John Gofman, May 1993
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- Bio-Medical "Un-Knowledge" & Nuclear Pollution: A Common-Sense Proposal, 1992
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- The Bonds of Trust vs. Deceit by DOE: Some Enduring Measures for Your Health and Safety, Spring 1994
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- Cancer in the Family: Does Each Case Require More Than One Cause? The Likelihood of Co-Action., April 1999
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- Cassini Fly-By, An Open Inquiry to NASA and DOE, From John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., 10/23/97
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- The Causes of Cancer: Is There "Too Much Emphasis on Genes, and Not Enough on the Environment?" How to Avoid Some Mistakes, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, Apr 2001
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- Chernobyl's 10th: Cancer and Nuclear-Age Peace -- Don't Be Deceived, 3/96
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- CNR Renewal Request, Fall 1998,
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- Comments on Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, 10/2/98
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- Confirmation that Ionizing Radiation Can Induce Genomic Instability: What is Genomic Instability, and Why Is It So Important?, CNR, Spring, 1998
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- A Conversation with John Gofman, Ph.D. '43, California Monthly, 1993
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- Corrections of Frontline's "Nuclear Reaction", Some Factual Errors, Fall 1997
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- Curriculum Vitae of Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., 1996
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- FDA Proposes New X-Ray Regulations: Immense Health Benefits Possible --- Unless Naysayers Prevail. X-Ray-Induced Diseases, Hormesis, and Medical Ethics, March 31, 2003 Testimony submitted to the FDA by John Gofman and Egan O'Connor
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- The Fission-Product Equivalence between Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Weapons, Fall 1998Adapted from Vol.117, No. 105, July 8, 1971, of the Congressional Record
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- "For Want of a Nail . . . The Rider Was Lost" : A Big Flag of Warning from the Radiation Issue, November, 1989
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- The Free-Radical Fallacy about Ionizing Radiation: Demonstration That a Popular Claim Is Senseless, 9/97
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- Gofman interview in synapse, UCSF newspaper 1/20/94, Vol. 38, Number 16
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- John Gofman, 1992 recipient of the Right Livelihood Award
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- The Greening of Nuclear Power and The De-Regulating of Nuclear Waste: Four Key Facts Which Need Attention, 11/90
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- "Holocaust" versus "Nothing Happened" -- corruption of the Chernobyl radiation database, Fall 1991
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- Key Facts Justifying Opposition to Nuclear Pollution at Any Level: A Brief Letter of Concern, by Dr. John W. Gofman, Feb 6 2001
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- The Law of Concentrated Benefit over Diffuse Injury, 11/93
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- Letter of Concern regarding the biological effects of ionizing radiation, 5/11/99
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- Letter of Protest to President of KQED re: broadcasting Frontline's Nuclear Reaction, 4/97
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- Letters To the Editor -- Unsafe in any dose, 9/96
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- Mammography: An Individual's Estimated Risk that the Examination Itself Will Cause
Radiation-Induced Breast Cancer, 6/9/98
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- Mission Statement of The Committee For Nuclear Responsibility
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- Nuclear Witnesses, Chapter 4, John Gofman, Medical Physicist, by Leslie J. Freeman, 1981
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- Need for "Adversary Science" --- the Cassini Example, Fall 1997
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- No One Escapes Harm: The Essential Story of In-Utero Irradiation, 11/92
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- Oral Histories: Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., DOE, 1995
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- The Plowboy Interview: John Gofman, Nuclear AND Anti-Nuclear Scientist, The Mother Earth News, 1981
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- Poisoned Power, The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants Before and After Three Mile Island, (1971+1979 contents)
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List Of Figures
Foreward to the 1979 Printing
Foreword, by Mike Gravel, U.S. Senator from Alaska
Introduction: The Nuclear Juggernaut
Chapter 1: Nuclear Reactors to Generate Electricity
Chapter 2: How Radiation from Atomic Energy Programs Gets to You--What it Does to You
Chapter 3: How Radiation Produces Disease and Hereditary Alterations
Chapter 4: Is Any Radiation "Safe"?
Chapter 5: Promises, Promises
Chapter 6: How Safe Are Nuclear Reactors?
Chapter 7: Nuclear Electricity and The Citizen's Rights
Chapter 8: The Nuclear Legacy--Radioactive Wastes and Plutonium
Chapter 9: Alternatives Available to Us
Chapter 10: What Can Citizens Do About Nuclear Electricity?
Chapter 11: Must We Hold Out for The "Cold Corpses"?
Chapter 12: Toward An Adversary System of Scientific Inquiry
Chapter 13: The Ultimate Issue -- Conversion or Ecocide
Appendix I: Nuclear Power Questions and Answers
Appendix II: Moratorium Activists
Appendix III: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
Appendix IV: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Appendix V: When Experts Disagree, Which Ones Shall We Believe?
Appendix VI: Nuclear Power and Alternatives
Appendix VII: Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the United States
- Preventing an Exercise in Self-Defeat: The Relevance of Medical Radiation to Nuclear Pollution, by Dr. John Gofman, April 2000
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- Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story Of A Major, Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease, 1996
Title Page
Back-Side of Title Page
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
Section One - Introduction
Our Conclusion: A Large Share of Breast-Cancers Need Not Occur
"Incubation Times" for Radiation-Induced Cancer
Early-Onset Breast-Cancer: Evidence on Radiation-Induction
Three Key Concepts in Our Analysis
The Rationale of Our Study: Methods and Materials
Section Two - Stories of the Exposures in Our Master Table
The "Enlarged Thymus" Story: Start of a Long Controversy
Benefits of Thymus Irradiation: Delusion or Reality?
Thymus Irradiation before Age One: Start of Our Master Table
Thymus Irradiation to Reduce Sudden Death in Children
Thymus Irradiation before Anesthesia and Surgery in Childhood
Ending of the Era of Radiation Therapy for Enlarged Thymus
Reaching into the Womb: Pre-Birth Breast Irradiation
Treatment of Acute Postpartum Mastitis with X-Rays
A Physician's Dilemma: What to Do about Chronic Mastitis
Management of Tuberculosis: An Eminently Sensible Program
Mass Screening for Tuberculosis
Treatment of Bronchial Asthma with X-Rays
Treatment of Pneumococcal Pneumonia with X-Rays
Treatment of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) with X-Rays
Treatment of Hyper-Thyroidism and Breast Irradiation
Management of Adolescent Scoliosis (Curvature of the Spine)
Chiropractic Examinations and Breast Irradiation
Major Diagnostic Radiological Contributions to Breast Dose
Occupational Sources of Breast Irradiation
Weapons-Test Fallout, Pre-1960, and Breast Dose
Section Three - Stories of Exposures Not in Our Master Table
The Beauty Shop as a Source of Breast Irradiation
Yes, We Do Have Your Size: Shoe-Fitters and Breast Irradiation
Mammography: Past and Present
Major Surgical Advances and Irradiation of the Breast
Pre-Employment Fluoroscopic Exams for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Fluoroscopy: Source of a Big Underestimate in Our Breast-Dose Finding
Hard-to-Find Doses from Fluoroscopy and Other Sources
Dermatology: More Underestimation in Our Findin
Treatment of Skin Disorders: Overview by Dr. MacKee
Breast-Exposure by Radium: More Underestimation in Our Finding
Radiotherapy of Benign Diseases: Overview by Dr. Dewing
Recent Concerns: Intensive Care Units, Insurance Cases
Summary on Underestimation of Dose in Our Study
Section Four - Our Finding and Recommendations for Action
Bottom Line: The Master Table
Conversion Factors: The Basis of Column "V"
Some of the Uncertainties and Certainties of Our Finding
Prevention of Breast-Cancer, Starting Now
Section Five - Response to Critiques of the First Edition
The Process of Genuine Peer-Review
Criticisms in the Journal of the American Medical Assn.
Three Remarkably Similar Reports on the Safe-Dose Fallacy
"War in Britain": The Natl. Radiological Protection Board
Seven Short Objections from Other Sources
Susan M. Love, M.D.: Is Radiation Overdosing a PAST Problem?
What Happens Next?
Table 1, Annual Breast-Cancer Cases in USA, 1960-1994
Table 2, Table 2, Growth of Population in USA, 1850-1994
About the Author
Index and Glossary
Downloading Details for "Fancy HTML" files
Library Journal Review of "Preventing Breast Cancer"
Resistance to New Ideas: A Relevant Story from the Past
Some Early Comments on Preventing Breast Cancer
Breast-Cancer-Free Zone: Why Not? -- An Effective Way To Begin
C.N.R. Books -- Preventing Breast Cancer/g
- Radiation-Induced Cancer From Low-Dose Exposure -- An Independent Analysis, 1990
Title Page
Back-Side of Title Page
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
About the Author
Foreward to the First Edition
Section 1: Introduction
The Five Most Important Conclusions of This Book
The Role of Independent Analyses in Research on Toxic Agents
The Intended Readership
Section 2: The Atomic Bomb Survivors -- A Study and Its Alteration
Overview of a Uniquely Valuable Database
A Growing Problem: Retroactive Alteration of the Study
What Will Happen to the A-Bomb Database? A Pending Proposal
Section 3: Preparing the Database for Analysis
Collecting All the Required Data from RERF
Dosimetry : From Bomb, to Kerma, to Internal Organ-Dose
Converting T65DR Mean Kerma Values to Mean Internal Organ-Doses
Obtaining Mean DS86 Doses for the T65DR Cohort
Achievement of Age- and Sex-Matching across RERF's Eight Dose-Groups
Section 4: Cancer-Risk and Dose-Response in Both Dosimetries
The Focus on Two Central Questions
Analysis and Results by the Cancer Difference Method
Shape of the Dose-Response Relationship, and Low-Dose Cancer-Yields Based on the Best-Fit Curve
Radiation Risk by Age and Sex, from the Cancer-Rate Ratio Method
Low-Dose Cancer-Yields by the Cancer-Rate Ratio Method, for the A-Bomb Survivors and for a United States' Population
The Duration of Radiation's Carcinogenic Effect
Section 5: Disproof of Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate
Disproof of Any Safe Dose or Dose-Rate of Ionizing Radiation, with Respect to Induction of Cancer in Humans
The Special Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Living Tissue
Number of Primary Electron-Tracks per Cell-Nucleus, per Rad of Dose Received from Various Sources of Radiation
Decisive Epidemiological Evidence from Humans
Section 6: The Fallacy of Risk-Reduction Factors for Low and Slow Exposures
The Popularity of Risk-Reduction Factors in the Radiation Community
Proper Risk-Estimates for "Low and Slow" Exposures: No Conflict between Human Epidemiology and the Linear-Quadratic Hypothesis from Radiobiology
Section 7: Practical Impacts Human Health
Chernobyl: A Crossroad in the Radiation Health Sciences
Main Text: A Closing Statement
Section 8: Supporting Chapters
Master Table and Special RERF Data for the A-Bomb Study
Index and Glossary
Downloading Details for "Fancy HTML" files
Book/Ordering Information
CHOICE, Current Reveiws for College Libraries Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The New England Journal of Medicine Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
The PSR Quarterly Review of Radiation-Induced Cancer
- Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease: Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population, by John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph. D., Edited by Egan O'Connor, (1999, 699 pages)
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Executive Summary
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Title Page
The Author's History
Back Cover
Table of Contents, Fancy HTML (this version is listed below)
Table of Contents, Plain HTML
Table of Contents, ASCII Text
Chapter 1: Executive Summary of This Book
Chapter 2: Pre-1960 and Post-1960 Uses of Medical Radiation, and Its Carcinogenic Action
Chapter 3: PhysPops --- The Doses in Some Massive Studies of Dose-Response
Chapter 4: Mortality Rates --- The Responses in the Dose-Response Studies
Chapter 5: Dose-Response, Linear Regression, and Some Other Key Concepts in Our Analyses
Reference List
Index and Glossary
Ordering Information for the Executive Summary and the Book
One Easy and Important Step You Can Take Toward Avoiding Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease: An Affordable Summary of New Evidence about X-Rays, 2/00
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Are X-Ray Procedures Equivalent, in Extra Radiation Dose, To Taking an Airplane Trip?, 2/28/00
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RAMP Addition-1: "Expectations", 2/19/00
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RAMP Addition-2: "Causation", 2/25/00
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RAMP Addition-3: "Atherogenic Mutations", 3/9/00
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RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY: #693: The Major Cause of Cancer -- Part 3, 4/20/00
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- Radiation-Inducible Chromosome Injuries: Some Recent Evidence on Major Health Consequences, Spring 1992
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- Radio-Iodine: From Hanford To Chernobyl ... And Beyond?, Spring 1993
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- Reacting to reactors -- The "peaceful atom": Time for a moratorium, 1972
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- Reflections on "Mission Impossible", the 30th Anniversary of LLNL Biology Programs, 11/93
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- Reject the Policy of Putting Radioactive Scrap-Metal into Commerce, December 1, 1997
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- 7 Comments on Proposed Radiation "Standards" for Yucca Mountain Rad-Waste Repository, 10/95
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- Solar-Energy Update: Good News about Solar Energy & Energy-Efficiency, Fall 1997
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- Solving Energy Shortages without Nuclear Power: Three Easy Rules, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, Apr 2001
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- Test of Sincerity: "Wake-Up Call" for Everyone Who Dislikes Cancer and Inherited Afflictions, Spring 1997
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- The Top 10 Pronuclear Arguments... Answered, The Mother Earth News, 1981
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- What About Reviving Nuclear Power?, October, 1988
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- What Are the Main Critiques of the 1999 Study by Gofman, after Three Years of Peer-Review? Six Critiques of Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Causation of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD), Nov 2002
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- What Is Factually Wrong with This Belief: "Harm from Low-Dose Radiation Is Just Hypothetical --- Not Proven", Fall 1995
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- XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project, An educational project of the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility:
- Breast Cancer: Why Do We Permit So Many Preventable Cases?, by Dr. John Gofman, June 2001
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- COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) X-RAY EXAMS: Estimated Doses to Patients from XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project, Sept 2001
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- Do X-Ray Practitioners Give Enough Attention to Minimizing the Patients' X-Ray Dosage? Some Opinions, Some Facts, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, Sept 2000
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- Eight Key Points: Your Stake in the Patients' Right-to-Know about X-Rays, by Dr. John W. Gofman, Dec 7 2000
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- Fear, and the Patients' Right-to-Know: The Viewpoint of an Influential Radiologist, Deserving a Public Response, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, September 2000
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- How the Cold War Caused Millions of American Deaths Through Medical Practice: A Story of Intended and Unintended Consequences, by John W. Gofman, April, 2001
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- How X-Ray Doses Vary From One X-Ray Practitioner to Another: Nationwide Surveys, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, September 2000
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- Links to Professional Societies from XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project, current to 12 Oct 2001
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- Making the Bay Area a Model for California and the Nation: A Guaranteed Way to Reduce Future Cancer-Rates, by Dr. John W. Gofman, Fall 2000
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- Mammography and XaHP (the X-Rays and Health Project): Is There Any Conflict? Four Brief Comments, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, October 2000
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- A Patient's Guide, When X-Rays Are Proposed, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, September 2000
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- A Proposal for Radiologists: How a Specific Consultation Can Become a Major Asset for the Practice and for the Community, by Dr. John W. Gofman and Egan O'Connor, October 2000
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- Who Says that Usual X-Ray Doses Can Be Much Lower? from XaHP: The X-rays and Health Project, Oct 2001
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- X-Radiation and Gamma Radiation: Comments on Their Nomination as Known Human Carcinogens for the Eleventh Report on Carcinogens (RoC), by Dr. John Gofman, 9/11/01
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- X-Rays: The Fallacy of the "Day in the Sun" Comparison, by Dr. John W. Gofman, February 28, 2000
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- X-Ray Dose-Measuring Service for Physicians and Dentists, Jan 2001
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