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rat haus reality
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rat haus reality
News Clips / Memos / Reports / Press Releases
- Article Pool for Crimes Against Humanity - 911 archives
- Article Pool for John Judge 911 Analysis + Web References archives
- Belarus puts $265 billion price tag on Chernobyl disaster, Reuter, February 13, 1996
- Big Business = Bad Science? by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 5/29/01
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- Biosafety News from International conference in Cartagena, Colombia, 2/99
- Biosafety, Patents and Biopiracy by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1999
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- Britain Caught Out by Leaked Genetic Food Report, 5/99
- Bush Administration Exploits Energy Issue to Assault Environment Clean choices available to resolve energy crunch in California, nation, Union Of Concerned Scientists, 3/22/01
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- Call For A Ban On Genetic Alteration Of Pathogens For Destructive Purposes
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- Campaign Against Biopiracy / Local Action for Living Democracy
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- Cash, Relationships Help Explain Bush Admin's Hands-Off Policy in California Electricity Crisis, Public Citizen Press Release of the "Got Juice?" Report, 2/15/01
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- Catch John Judge: Dates & Places
- Chernobyl becomes science lab without help funds, Reuter, November 28, 1995
- Chief Scientist Bob May Lambastes Human Genetics Panel, by Nick Papadimitriou and Angela Ryan, 4/25/01
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- Christopher offers new aid to Chernobyl victims, Reuter, March 19, 1996
- Citizens of India and Members of Gram Sabhas of Villages Respond to Biopiracy and the WTO :
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- Colombia Certification, 8/28/00
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- Comprehensive List of Terrorists and Groups Identified Under Executive Order 13224
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- Consumers mop up in milk war, The Guardian, 7/22/99
- Consumers Union of Japan Open Letter to American Farmers & Agribusiness, 10/6/99
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- COPA 2001 Annual Regional Meeting in Dallas, November 22-25, by John Judge
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- COPA v. DOD FOIA appeal lost by John Judge, 5/27/01
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- COPA v. Pentagon on King Files press release by John Judge, 5/5/01
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- Darkness in El Dorado, The Yanomami People, Anthropology and Eugenics, by Terry Turner, 9/00
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- Debunking The Ten Myths of Electricity Deregulation Press Release, Jan 30 2001
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- Deformities Found At Chernobyl, Reuter, March 26, 1996
- Demanding a Congressional Inquiry of 9/1 by Carol Brouillet 1/8/02
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- Facts on Depleted Uranium Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 11/24-25/01
- Detailed Analysis of October 7 [2002] Speech by Bush on Iraq, Institute for Public Accuracy
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- Dissent to H.R. 4547, The Costs of War Against Terrorism Act, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 7/22/02
- Dissenting View on The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 5/3/02
- Draft Impeachment Resolution Against George W. Bush by Francis Boyle, 1/17/03
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- Earthlife Africa Media Release: Secret Meeting of International Nuclear Panel, 10/1/01
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- Ellen Mariani Lawsuit: 9/11 Victim's Wife Sues Bush Under RICO Act, 11/26/03
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- Environmental Justice Statement on "Free Trade"
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- Environmental Research & Corporate Watchdogging, 9/02
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- Essential Reading: French Neanderthal behavior in Mururoa, 1995, from the ratville times' FOCUS-ON-NUKES news posting "service"
- GP: Report on French Nuclear Waste, 01/03/95
- Mururoa Et Ecopox, Mon Ami, 07/04/95
- Mururoa tests not safe, 07/10/9507/10/95
- Cyber-Vote/Electonic Anti-Nuclear Petitions/Sites, 07/11/95
- Re: France proposed Nuclear Testing in the Pacific, 07/11/95
- French Nuclear Biznis, 07/13/95
- French Tests and NZ/Aussie Action, 07/18/95 + 07/31/95
- Throw France out of the Pacific, 08/04/95
- French Tests: Environmental Effects, 08/12/95
- French Bomb Threat Sends Ripples Across the Pacific, 08/14/95
- "We are Tahitians", 08/15/95
- Rainbow Warrior And More Flotilla Ships Set Sail For Moruroa, 08/16/95
- 1995 Asian Anti-Nuke demonstration in Taiwan, 09/04/95
- Victims of French Nuclear Tests Seek Independence/Test Spur Independence Mvmt, 09/05/95
- ca.earthquakes tables of origin time and magnitudes of pacific blasts from 8/25-9/05, 09/06/95
- French explode bomb - 9/5/95, 09/07/95
- Chirac Says France May Conduct Fewer Tests, Will Wrap Up Series Well Before May 31, 1996, 09/07/95
- Update From The Ta'ata Maohi Of French-Occupied Polynesia, 09/08/95
- NGO International Peace Bureau - Statement on French Nuclear Test, 09/08/95
- PSR Condemn French Nuclear Testing, Joins Boycott of French Products, 09/21/95
- Greenpeace Asks EU Commission to Sue France For Violating Euratom Treaty, 10/07/95
- Protest mounts as France conducts second nuke test, 10/09/95
- French paper shows picture of crack at test site, 10/11/95
- French Nuclear Tests Assailed/Pacific Peoples attack France over testing, 10/11/95
- France "eager to appear as leader in nuclear safety, 10/11/95
- Peace Action Washington Report Sept, Section on Boycott French Goods, 10/12/95
- French expert says test site is earthquake risk, 10/16/95
- US, Britain, France to join South Pacific nuclear-free zone, 10/18/95
- NZ delighted allies, joins Pacific nuclear-free zone, 10/18/95
- Chirac: France probably wiil do four more tests, 10/23/95
- EU Commission won't take France to court over nuclear tests, 10/24/95
- Australian union slaps ban on Air France flight, 10/27/95
- France threatens legal action against Australia's smallest state, 10/27/95
- France executes third nuclear detonation, 10/28/95
- Australia's Keating condemns France's third test, 10/28/95
- Major's country home invaded by hundreds of protestors during Chriac visit, 10/29/95
- UN resolution "strongly deplores" nuclear testing introduced by more than 25 nations, 10/31/95
- French Boycott - World Update NO.6, 11/01/95
- France argues nuclear weapons are for self-defense, 11/01/95
- U.N. members adopt resolution calling for immediate end to nuclear tests, 11/16/95
- France postpones Belgium/cancels Italian summits "in a fit of pique",
- Mururoa - Nuclear Colony, David Against Goliath, 11/20/95
- France executes fourth nuclear blast, angry reactions swift, 11/21/95
- The ETC Century; Erosion, Technological Transformation, and Corporate Concentration in the 21st Century, by Pat Mooney, Apr 2001
- European Parliament publishes study on Sellafield and La Hague commissioned by STOA to WISE-Paris, 11/22/01
- Executive Summary and Summary of Prosecutions: Final Report Of The Independent Counsel For Iran/Contra Matters (1993) - with analysis of what the then Attorney General's successful gambit was to deflect attention away from the central issue of this constitutional crisis
- Fact Sheet on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture, by National Family
Farm Coalition
- Family Farmers Join Allies in Seattle for World Trade Organization events, by National Family Farm Coalition
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- First GM Humans Already Created by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins, 5/2/01
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- Food security, genetic engineering, news 12/98
- Fury as CIA admits spying on British environment minister, Telegraph, 6/3/99
- Gene Therapy Oversold by Scientists Who Disregard Risks, by Angela Ryan, 5/17/01
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- Genetic Foods: Pusztai story, Guardian, 2/99
- Getting back to a barter and trade economy, Christian Science Monitor corporation, 2/26/99
- The Globalization of Repression: A Special Report to the European Parliament, Dec 2001
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- The `Golden Rice' - An Exercise in How Not to Do Science by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins, 2000
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- Homeland Security Act, (H.R. 5005), November 2002
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- The Human Genome - A Big White Elephant by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 6/9/01
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- Human Genome - The Biggest Sellout in Human History by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 10/18/00
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- The Human Genome Map, the Death of Genetic Determinism and Beyond by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 2/14/01
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- Institute of Science in Society: ISIS News #6, written and compiled by Mae-Wan Ho & Angela Ryan & Joe Cummins, Sept 2000
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- Institute of Science in Society: ISIS News #5, written and compiled by Mae-Wan Ho & Angela Ryan & Joe Cummins, July 2000
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- Institute of Science in Society: ISIS News #4, written and compiled by Mae-Wan Ho & Angela Ryan, Mar 2000
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- Institute of Science in Society: ISIS News #3, written and compiled by Mae-Wan Ho & Angela Ryan, Dec 1999
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- The Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (H.R. 2417)
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- The International Criminal Court Fact Sheet
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- Is the Bush Administration preparing to break out of the nuclear weapons testing moratorium?, by S. Erickson & J. Truman, 6/28/01
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- Jabiluka: Fate of Uranium Mining Hinges on 10/98 Poll
- John Poindexter to Head New Domestic Espionage Office: Is The Government Monitoring Our Every Communication Already? by The Partnership for Civil Justice Legal Defense and Education Fund, Fall 2002
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- Keeping CCTV In Bounds--What's Wrong With Public Video Surveillance?, ACLU
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- Kiev says Chernobyl repair leaves danger unchecked, Reuter, February 14, 1996
- Letter from Susan Witt on 10/12/02 Demiurgus Peace International Gathering, 12/24/02
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- A Licence For Government Ministers To Kill, Torture, Rape and Abduct Their People -- The World Court's Millenium Gift to the Rulers of Humanity, by William F. Pepper, 2/20/02
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- Market Will Attempt to Predict White House Moves, by American Action Market, 8/1/03
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- Molly Ivins on Monsanto, Star-Telegram, 1/99
- More on Terminator and Related Patents, by Joe Cummins, 7/12/01
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- Nader's veep: running to help the poor, environment, by Patrick Howe, 8/29/00
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- Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of Democracy: Letters to the Editor
- A New, Low-Cost Way to Shake a Mistaken Mindset, CNR, April 2, 2000
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- The New Thought Police - Suppressing Dissent in Science by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Jonathan Mathews, 2/16/01
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- Observer articles on genetically manipulated food, 2/99
- Oglala Sioux Exercising Sovereignty to Grow Industrial Hemp, 4/29/00
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- Operation Northwoods: Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba, 3/13/62, excerpts from the original 15-page TOP SECRET US government document
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- Physicist Dr. Daniel Amit on the building world boycott of the US
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- Prince's GM attack upsets ministers / Why Prince went tabloid on GM food, Independent 6/2/99
- Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol 1)
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- Public Subsidy of Failed Corporate Science by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 6/10/01
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- Radical Solutions Needed for Antibiotic Resistance by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Sam Burcher, 6/25/01
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- Seattle National Lawyers Guild Releases Draft Report on WTO Ministerial, 7/7/00
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- The Scientific Advice that FDA Ignored (A Compilation), by Angela Ryan
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- Scientists Against the Brave New World - World Scientists in US Congress and Special Biotechnology Forum, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Jul 2000
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- Sign On: Alternative Biosafety Protocol To Prevent Harm To Human Health, Biodiversity and the Environment, 1/19/00
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- The Spirit of Daniel Shays Lives on in the Pioneer Valley, Ward Morehouse & Carolyn Toll Oppenheim, 4/1/03
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- STOA: An Appraisal Of The Technologies Of Political Control, Sept 1998
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- Taking Science Seriously in the GM Debate by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 4/16/01
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- Terminator insects give wings to genome invaders by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 3/19/01
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- "30 million still at risk from Chernobyl, Reuter, March 21, 1996
- U'wa Chieftans Carry Eco-Fight To Doorstep of Corporate America, WSJ Corporation, 6/7/99
- U'wa Communique, by Roberto Perez Guitierrez, 9/11/00
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- U'wa Defense Working Group - Response to Occidental's PR Campaign, 3/00
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- Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001 (H.R. 3162), October 24, 2001
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- The Unnecessary Evil of Therapeutic Human Cloning by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins, 1/23/01
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- Unregulated Hazards - Naked and Free Nucleic Acids by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Angela Ryan, Joe Cummins, & T.Traavik, Jan 2000
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- US Diplomat John Brady Kiesling Letter of Resignation to Sec. of State Colin Powell, 2/27/03
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- USA PATRIOT Act Boosts Government Powers While Cutting Back on Traditional Checks and Balances (ASCII text), ACLU Legislative Analysis, November 2001:
- 10/23/01 Fact Sheets on How the USA-Patriot Act:
- War Times, new biweekly newspaper opposing the "war on terrorism", 1/30/02
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- What many farmers have found about genetic engineering, by National Family Farm Coalition
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- Who Is Afraid Of Biosafety?, Vandana Shiva's response to Jimmy Carter's "Who's Afraid of Genetic Engineering?", New York Times Corporation, 8/28/98
- Why Biotech Patents Are Patently Absurd -- Scientific Briefing on TRIPs and Related Issues by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Feb 2001
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- Why Clone At All? by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 3/11/01
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- WTO: Civil society will not accept more commercial liberalization, by Chilean Alliance for a Fair and Responsible Trade, 11/99
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- The WTO's Hidden Agenda, by Gregory Palast, 11/9/01
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