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rat haus reality
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rat haus reality
Transcripts / Testimony / Interviews / Statements
- Acceptance Speech Statement for Green Party 2000 Nomination for President, Ralph Nader, 6/25/00
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- Address by Hiroshima City Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba on Hiroshima Peace Day 2002, 8/8/02
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- ....After Seattle? Taking on the Corporate and Financial Rulers: Our Goal is Political and Economic Democracy, by David Korten, 12/3/99
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- Agenda for the Earth, Oren Lyons Speaking at Rio De Janeiro, 6/9/92
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- Alice Stewart Interview and supporting documents, 8/00
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- Alternative Currency, Excerpts of a Conversation between David Icke and Jon Rappoport
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- An Act of State - The Execution of Martin Luther King, Transcript of William F. Pepper Talk at Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco, 2/4/03
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- Dr Arpad Pusztai Talks on Food for the 21st Century, prepared by Angela Ryan, 5/7/99
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- Assassination as a Tool of Fascism by John Judge
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- Becoming a Self-Governing People, by Betsy Barnum, 4/4/03
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- Best Practice in the Design of GM Crops by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, with Joe Cummins & Jeremy Bartlett, 12/6/00
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- Beyond Bad Science and Big Business by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 11/10/00
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- Beyond Vietnam, Martin Luther King, Riverside Church, NYC, 4 Apr 1967
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- The Big Picture: Strategies for Transforming the Global Economy, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 8/99
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- The Biotechnology Debate has United the World against Corporate Rule, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 11/27/99
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- A Call To Action from Granny D, 7/27/02
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- Can biotechnology help fight world hunger? by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 6/29/00
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- The Central Contention of Politics Should be the Distribution of Power, Ralph Nader, 3/1/00
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- Challenging Autocratic Governance That Serves The Interests Of Global Corporations, Ralph Nader, 4/14/00
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- Changing the Nature of Nature - An Interview with Martin Teitel, Multinational Monitor, 1/00
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- Chief Oren Lyons Opening Statement, "The Year of the Indigenous Peoples" (1993), in the UN General Assembly Auditorium
- Civilizing Society, David Korten, FEASTA annual lecture, Dublin, Ireland 7/4/00
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- A Claim Of Human Rights Violations To The United Nations - Versus The United States Government, 4/30/03
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- Cochabamba Declaration, Bolivia, 8 Dec 2000
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- Coherent Energy, Liquid Crystallinity and Acupuncture by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 10/2/99
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- Commentaries by J Truman, Founder and Director of Downwinders, 1998
- Complete Ken Saro-Wiwa Statement To Ogoni Civil Disturbances Tribunal, 9/25/95
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- Confronting Empire, by Arundhati Roy, 1/27/03
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- Conversation of Four Elements, by William Commanda, 1994
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- A Coup against the American Constitution, Francis Boyle Interview, 11/14/01
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- Cree Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come: on Aboriginal Self-Determination and the End of the Discredited, Unjust and Discriminatory Doctrine of "terra nullius", 10/96
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- Crimes Against Humanity - Benjamin Ferencz Interview, 9/19/01
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- Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, President, International Institute of Concern for Public Health, 1992
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- A Conversation with John Gofman, Ph.D. '43, California Monthly, 1993
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- The Dark Side of Genetics and The Implications of the Biotechnology Revolution, David Suzuki, 11/27/99
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- Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant and Democracy, statements by Mike Ferner, Apr/Jul 2002
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- Death and Rebirth: Explaining the Dynamics of 1999, Robert Theobald, 6/5/99
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- The Decline of Democracy & The Concord Principles, Ralph Nader, 5/9/92
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- Democratic Money: A Populist Perspective, with Lawrence Goodwyn and William Greider, 12/9/89
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- Diverse Women for Diversity Seattle Declaration, 12/1/99
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- Do turkeys enjoy thanksgiving?, by Arundhati Roy, 1/16/04
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell @ World Women's Congress for Healthy Planet, 11/91
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell: 16 Million Radiation Deaths and Counting, 1989
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Quietly Eating Radioactivity, 1986
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- Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Testimony before the World Women's Congress, Miami, 1991
- The Drilling Fields, 1994 movie that raised the 30-year plight of the Ogoni people to the world
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- Ellen Mariani's RICO Suit against Bush et al. Amended Complaint, 11/26/03
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- The Erosion of the American Dream, interview with Gore Vidal, 3/12/03
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- The Evolving Role of The UN And Disarmament, Panel discussion at the UN, 10/23/97
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- The Evolving Story of our Evolving Earth, by Elisabet Sahtouris, 11/99
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- Expressing Life's Wisdom: Nurturing Heart-Brain Development Starting With Infants, Joseph Chilton Pearce, 1999 Interview
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- Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons, by Francis A. Boyle, 4/18/02
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- Family Steering Committee Statement & Questions Regarding 9/11 Commission Interview with President Bush, 2/04
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- Farmers' Declaration on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
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- Fighting Bad Guys Trying to Do The Right Thing: A Vision For Change, Winona LaDuke, 8/28/00
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- Food Safety Declaration, Seattle, 11/28/99
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- Former Top German Minister Rejects Official Story Of 911 Attacks, 1/15/02
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- The Fourth Story, Seeing the World From a Profoundly Different Viewpoint, by Robert Theobald, 9/26/99
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- From Mechanics to Organics - Scott London Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris, 2/99
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- From Melbourne to Prague: the Struggle for a Deglobalized World, by Walden Bello, 9/00
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- Genetic Engineering Biotechnology - Challenges and Opportunities, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 5/28/99
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- The Global Campaign Against Biopiracy and Changing the Paradigm of Agriculture, Vandana Shiva, 11/26/99
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- Global Media and Democracy, Robert McChesney, 4/11/00
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- The Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders UN Conf, Sr. Joan Chittister, 10/7/02
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- The Global Water Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water Supply, Maude Barlow, 11/26/99
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- GM Crops - How Corporations Rule and Ruin the World by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 6/1/00
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- GM Food Hazards and the Science War by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 12/1/99
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- Gore and Occidental Petroleum, Excerpt of transcript re: The Buying Of The President 2000
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- Gulf War: 1991 Gonzalez Impeachment Resolution of Bush, re-sent 5/02
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- Hemp, The Plant That Can Save Mother Earth, 1993
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- Human Rights And Universal ResponsibilityThe Dalai Lama of Tibet: UN World Conference, June 1993
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- Human Rights in the United States: The Unfinished Story Current Political Prisoners - Victims of COINTELPRO, Issue Forum conducted by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 9/14/00
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- Humanity 3000 Participant Statement, Foundation For the Future, by Elisabet
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- In her own words . . ., Mary Lou Williams interview, Melody Maker, April-June, 1954
- Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative, Year 4 Reed, Day Two Crocodile, 3/12/03
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- Indigenous Peoples' Seattle Declaration
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- The Indigenous Women's Network - Our Future, Our Responsibility, Winona LaDuke, 8/31/95
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- An Interview with Pat Mooney, executive director of RAFI, Multinational Monitor, 1/00
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- Interview With Dr. Ernest Sternglass, author of Secret Fallout, 11/92
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- An Interview with Joseph Chilton Pearce, WILD DUCK REVIEW, 1998
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- Is America a Police State? Congressman Ron Paul, 6/27/02
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- JFK - Commencement Address at American University, June 10, 1963
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- JFK Address to the American People on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, July 26, 1963
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- John Judge Nov 2000 Interview - Part I, 11/10/00
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- John Judge Nov 2000 Interview - Part II, 11/18,26/00
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- John Judge Speaking at 9-11 and the Public Safety: Seeking Answers and Accountability, National Press Club, 6/10/02
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- Ken Saro-Wiwa statement excerpts; he was prevented from reading outloud at his trial before the Military Tribunal that sentenced him to death on October 31, 1995
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- Transcription of the King Family Press Conference on the MLK Assassination Trial Verdict, 12/9/99, Atlanta, GA
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- The Last Defender of the American Republic?, Gore Vidal interview by Marc Cooper, 7/5/02
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- LIFE AFTER CAPITALISM, by David Korten, 11/98
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- Live From Iraq, an Un-Embedded Journalist: Robert Fisk on Washington's `Quagmire' in Iraq, Civilian Deaths and the Fallacy of Bush's `War of Liberation', Amy Goodman & Jeremy Scahill, 3/25/03
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- Living Systems, the Internet and the Human Future, talk by Elisabet Sahtouris, May 13, 2000
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- Mary Lou Williams Discography
- Mary Lou Williams excerpt from a 1978 interview at Keystone Corner
- Maude Barlow speaking at the World Social Forum Panel on "Future of Nation States", 1/28/01
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- Monocultures, Monopolies, Myths and the Masculinisation of Agriculture, by Dr. Vandana Shiva, 6/98
- Monopoly Militarism and the U.S. Monopoly on the Militarization of the World, Randall Forsberg, 4/11/00
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- Moving the Media Revolution Forward, IMC Interview with Bob McChesney, Aug 2000
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- The Mythology of Commercial Broadcasting and the Contemporary Crisis of Public Broadcasting, by Bob McChesney, 1997
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- National Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, Listing of Records, 1980-1986
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- A Native American Worldview / Hawk and Eagle, Both are Singing, by Paula Underwood Spencer, 1990
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- The New Alchemists, John Todd, in Design Outlaws, 1997
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- 1996 Acceptance Statement for Green Party Nomination for Vice President, Winona LaDuke
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- No Patents On Life: A Workshop About The TRIPs Agreement
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- No to GMO's - Civil Society vs Corporate Empire, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 9/11/99
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- No War Against Afghanistan!, speech by Francis Boyle, 10/18/01, revised 11/29/01
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- Notarized Statement by Dr. Rosalie Bertell On Ongoing Cover-Up of Three Mile Island Accident, 7/10/98
- Nuclear Cover-Up, Transcript of Norman Solomon 2/24/92 speech
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- Observing Without the "Me", Krishnamurti, Brockwood Park, 9/5/70
- Octopi And The Seeing Of Meaning Communicated As Pure Intent Without Ambiguity, by Terence McKenna
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- On Overthrowing the Permanent Government, Susan George, 11/26/99
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- On Reforming the Government's Scientific Establishment, by J Truman, 3/98
- On What the Plot is For Seattle, Martin Khor, 11/26/99
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- One World--One World Government; Bretton Woods or The United Nations?, David Korten, 4/14/00
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- An Open Letter To Those Concerned About Fallout Victims' Issues from Downwinders
- Oral Histories: Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., DOE, 1995
- Oren Lyons Interview - Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan, Onondaga Council of Chiefs of the Hau de no sau nee, 3 July 1991
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- Leonard Peltier Letter - Throw down the blanket, 7/21/03
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- The Organic Revolution in Science, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 10/29/99
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- The Organic Revolution in Science and Implications for Science and Spirituality by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 9/4-10/00
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- `Our Country Above Politics' - Missouri County GOP Chairman Resigns Over War, by Jack Walters, 3/10/03
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- People's Declarations Presented in Seattle, November-December 1999
- Perversions of Justice, talk by Ward Churchill on release of his new book, 2/22/03
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- Plutocracy and the Citizen Agenda for '92 and beyond, Ralph Nader, 1/15/92
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- Poison Fire, Sacred Earth, Testimonies, Lectures, Conclusions, World Uranium Hearing, Salzburg, 1992
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Complete Table of Contents listing
- Forward
- Opening Speech on the Eve of the Hearing
- Welcoming Message, Day of the Mountains
- Opening Speech, Day of the Mountains
- Lectures:
- Low-Level Radiation, The Effects on Human and Non-Human Life, by Dr. Alice Stewart
- Known Facts and Hidden Dangers of Uranium Mining, by Dr. Gordon Edwards
- Beyond Nukes, The Promise of Renewable Energy, by Dr. Bill Keepin
- The True Price of Nuclear Power, The Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, by Peter Bossew
- The Nuclear Guardianship, Concept for a Radioactive Future, by Ulrike Fink
- In The Name Of World Peace, Atomic Tests In Both Hemispheres, by Jim Falk
- Nuclear Guardianship, The Search for New Perspectives, by Joanna Macy
- Testimonies:
September 14
September 15
September 16
September 17
September 18
- Workshop Reports:
- Final Communique
- The Declaration Of Salzburg (Draft)
- The World Uranium Hearing Society (Chronical)
- The Poor Can Buy Barbie Dolls, Removal of QRs and the fate of the poor, by Vandana Shiva, 4/2/01
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- Poverty & Globalisation, Vandana Shiva, 4/27/00
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- PR Nation - Anti-spin activist John Stauber penetrates America's lie machine by Michael Manekin, 8/16/01
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- Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq, by Rep. Ron Paul, 9/10/02
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- quotations of Laurens van der Post from texts and recordings
- Psychological Origins of Racial Prejudice, Laurens van der Post, SF, 10/61
- Race Prejudice as Self Rejection, An Inquiry into the Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Group Conflicts, by Laurens van der Post, 1957
- Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences, by Senator Robert Byrd, 2/12/03
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- Reclaiming Civic Power to Reverse the Corporate Erosion of Civil Rights, Ralph Nader, 7/11/00
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- Robert Fisk: Looking Beyond War, Democracy Now! interview, 4/22/03
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- The Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Safeguarding Against Acts of Terrorism, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney,, 10/3/01
- Scientists' Warning about Genetically Engineered Food
- SHUAR: talking with Ecuadorian Amazon medicine men, by Elisabet Sahtouris
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- speech by Narayan Desai on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 1992
- Stanley Hilton Interview, with Alex Jones, 3/11/03
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- Statement From Members of International Civil Society Opposing a Millennium Round or a New Round of Comprehensive Trade Negotiations
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- Statement on Afghanistan, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 10/31/01
- Statement on the Judi Bari bombing -- "Lessons for Today", by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 6/27/02
- Statement on the Need for an Investigation of the Events Surrounding September 11, by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 4/12/02
- Stopping A Police State, by Francis Boyle, 4/28/03
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- The Sun interview with Jerry Mander, author of In the Absence of the Sacred
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- Sustainable Design - How We Can Give More Back to the Environment than We Take, by William McDonough, Fall 2002
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- Taking Control of Our Lives: Freedom, Sovereignty, and Other Endangered Species, by Noam Chomsky, 2/26/00
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- Testimony Prepared for Senate Hearings on Iraq Policy, Phyllis Bennis, 7/31/02
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- Testimony of Dr. Owens Wiwa Before Joint Briefing of US Congressional Human Rights Caucus and Congressional Black Caucus, 1/30/96
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- Testimony of William Schaap, MLK Consipiracy Trial Transcript, 11/30/99
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- Tetuwan Oyate Statement, Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council: Against the United States Invasion of Iraq and call for United Nations General Assembly Intervention
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- Thinking again of lifes miracle by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 4/10/00
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- Thoughts On Our War Against Terrorism, by Rep. Cynthia McKinney, 4/13/02
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- Transcript: "Revoking The Corporation", a discussion w/R. Grossman & W. Morehouse, 1/29/96
- 2000 Acceptance Statement for Green Party Nomination for Vice President, Winona LaDuke, 7/22/00
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- Understanding and the Imagination in the Light of Nature, by Terence McKenna
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- An Unjust and Illegal War, DU Weapons & Canada's Central Role in their Production, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, 5/6/99
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- Vets To Top US Military Commanders: REMEMBER NUREMBERG - Open Letter to Nation's Top Military Commanders on Possible Criminal Violations of Int'l Law, by Veterans For Peace, 2/13/03
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- Via Campesina Seattle Declaration, 12/3/99
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- WAR ON TRUTH, The Secret Battle for the American Mind, John Stauber interview by Derrick Jensen, 3/99
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- Waste Equals Food - Our Future and the Making of Things, by William McDonough, 1998
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- Wasting Your Vote, Wasting Our Democracy, Ralph Nader, 8/23/00
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- We are participants in the birthing of something new to the human evolutionary experience by David Korten, 3/23/03
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- We won't deny our consciences, Prominent Americans stmt on the war on terror, 6/14/02
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- Witness Statement of Mae-Wan Ho by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Chardon LL Public Hearing, 10/26/00
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- Witness to a Last Will of Man, 1984
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- Why I Cannot Remain Silent about GM technology, by Aarpad Pusztai, 9/99
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- Women's Caucus Seattle Declaration, 1999
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- WTO and the Global War System Forum, Proceedings, sponsored by Northwest Disarmament Coalition, End the Arms Race, Abolition 2000 Working Group on Corporate Issues, International Network on Disarmament and Globalization, 11/28/99
(PDF | ASCII text) - WTO and the Global War System Forum Program, sponsored by: Northwest Disarmament Coalition (USA), End the Arms Race (Canada), Abolition 2000, 11/28/99
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- WTO and the Third World: On a Catastrophic Course - Martin Khor Interview, Multinational Monitor, 9/99
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- WTO Impacts On The Environment, Cultures and Indigenous Peoples, by Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, 11/29/99
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